Under the EEA and Norway Grants more than € 150 million will be made available for programmes and projects in Hungary in the coming years.
Amounting to € 30 million, the newly launched programme for non-governmental organisations in Romania is now the most important source of funding for the NGO sector in the country.
PeacePlayers-Cyprus is a great example of sport promoting tolerance and understanding. It uses basketball to unite and build postive relationships between Greek-Cypriot and Turkish-Cypriot youth. A...
Norway Grants support greening of the European economy. Calls for projects to spur green industry innovation are now open in Estonia, Slovakia and Romania.
A call for proposals for initiatives under the national bilateral fund in Portugal is now open for entities from Portugal as well as from the donor countries Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
This year’s meeting of the Fundamental Rights Platform (FRP) in Vienna focus on non-discrimination and hate crime. Hosting one of the interactive workshops the EEA and Norway Grants will highlight...
The EEA and Norway Grants support efforts to combat anti-Semitism and protect Jewish Cultural Heritage in Europe.
Interested in promoting diversity in culture and arts? In Poland a call is now open for project proposals. A matchmaking seminar in Warsaw in May will facilitate partnerships with donor state entities...
Around the globe people are celebrating World Heritage Day today. The EEA Grants support cultural heritage programmes in fourteen beneficiary countries which aim at conserving and revitalising...
The Estonian programme for bilateral research cooperation has received more than 170 applications, a number that far exceeds expectations.
The Norway Grants are financing the construction of the first purpose-built shelter for victims of domestic violence and their children in Cyprus. The Norwegian Secretariat of the Shelter Movement is...
The amended versions of the Regulations and Annexes 4 and 12 are now available on our website. The changes take account of the priorities of the EEA and Norway Grants, such as the increased emphasis...