How can older people reach their full potential in an ageing society? This week, Polish and Norwegian partners gathered in Warsaw to take a closer look at the importance of healthy and active ageing
The Global Fund has made a valuable contribution to strengthening social dialogue and ensuring that beneficiary countries are better placed to address decent work objectives, such as life-long...
Today marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Through designated programmes in 11 countries, Iceland. Liechtenstein and Norway have set aside €25 million to help...
In the heart of the Troodos National Forest Park, an abandoned asbestos mine poses a threat to people, fauna and wildlife alike. With support from the Grants, biodiversity protection and good...
The ‘On the spot!’ call is looking for young people to visit Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway and report on good practices in addressing social problems which could benefit Hungarian society.
“Both children and parents alike get to know each other through the project. This creates a stronger sense of trust within the local community,” says Andrei Dinu from the Romano ButiQ Association.
The Lithuanian NGO ‘School of Success’ works to increase civic participation in the country by engaging with pupils.
Gender stereotypes negatively affect society as a whole. In Spain, a project supported by the Grants aims to contribute to a more equal society by challenging gender inequality through the school...
How can heritage be an asset in local and regional development? The Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage is cooperating with the National Heritage Board in Poland on strengthening local...
A conference looking at new ways forward for youth employment and social entrepreneurship was held in Portugal last week. With spiralling numbers of young people in Europe out of work, creating new...
Funding is now available for higher education mobility projects under the Latvian ‘Research and Scholarship’ programme.
“Our activities help create life in public spaces, foster interaction between people, and give something back to the local community,” says Miruna Tîrcă, President of the Komunitas Association.