Representatives from cultural heritage projects in Lithuania visited Norway to study fire prevention in historic buildings. The event was a joint effort between the Lithuanian Ministry of Culture and...
Funding is now available under the Polish 'Saving energy and promoting renewable energy source' programme.
Following up from the 2014 European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) survey on violence against women, the conference ‘A Europe Free from Gender-Based Violence: From Commitment to Action’ was...
A call for bids for a Communications Review for the EEA and Norway Grants is now open.
Romania has the lowest recycling rate in the EU. Less than three per cent of the waste is recycled. Supported by Norway, waste collections points are now set up across the country.
“I drew a tree…I wrote his name in Greek and he wrote his name in Arabic. Ten minutes later we were laughing, he made fun of my accent in Arabic.”
Large counter-demonstrations were announced, but the voices of criticism were drowned by the 5 000 who celebrated Europride in the streets of the Latvian capital on 20 June.
In both Slovakia and Norway, farmers raising livestock often have difficulties with large predators such as bears and wolves. That’s why experts and farmers from both countries have joined forces to...
With funding from Norway, the heat and power plant Kogeneracja S.A., located in the centre of Wrocław in Poland, will significantly reduce its emissions. This will mean better air quality for the...
Supported by Norway, 30 small and medium-sized enterprises in Poland receive funding to make production greener. The projects also contribute to significant reduction of CO2 emissions and to create...
A campaign supported through the EEA Grants in Poland invites people to take a closer look at the benefits of energy efficiency
Together with Transparency International (TI), we have developed a tool to assess potential risks of corruption within the EEA and Norway Grants. TI has now published the 2015 Synthesis Report...