Supporting technical assistance and academic research are the overarching goals of two newly launched funds in the Czech Republic. Both the €2.1 million Technical Assistance Fund and the €4.8 million...
A €1 million NGO Fund in Portugal that aims to promote gender equality and help the young to become active citizens launched its first call on 25 February 2008.
A €3.4 million fund for local and regional development was launched in Tallinn on 25 February.
Czech farmers are keen to swap to sustainable farming methods, and the Czech NGO Bioinstitut has been awarded a €45,000 grant under the Czech NGO fund to ease the farmers' transition.
The NGO Podané ruce has received close to €50,000 under the Czech NGO fund to fund their current work with disadvantaged youth in Olomouc in eastern Czech Republic.
A €4.4 million cultural exchange fund earmarked to partnership projects between Poland and the EEA EFTA states was launched at a two-day conference on 7-8 February 2008.
Poland launched its third and final call for individual project proposals on 1 February 2008, making €60.6 million available to Polish NGOs, public and private sector bodies.
Over €17 million in funding for individual projects was made available on 23 January 2008 to Bulgarian NGOs, public and private sector bodies. The call is also open for partnership projects with...
Greece announced an open call for proposals on 11 January 2008 making more than €38 million available for individual project applications under the EEA Grants.
An information meeting on the EEA Grants will be held in Prague on 8-9 January to present possibilities for grant support under the ongoing €19.4 million third and final call for individual project...
The Civil Society Development Foundation (NROS), managing the NGO fund supported by the EEA Grants in the Czech Republic, launched its €4.5 million second call for NGO projects on 17 December 2007.