Invitation to bid: Mid-term evaluation of the support to strengthened bilateral relations

A call for bids for a mid-term evaluation of the EEA and Norway Grants support to strengthened bilateral relations is now open.


Launched by the Financial Mechanism Office - the secretariat of the EEA and Norway Grants - the main purpose of the mid-term evaluation is to assess to what extent and how the EEA and Norway Grants are contributing to strengthening bilateral relations between the donor countries Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway and the beneficiary countries.

The Financial Mechanism Office is seeking a team of researchers/consultants to conduct an in-depth mid-term evaluation to assess to what extent and how progress in strengthening bilateral relations is evident at the different levels and what the common bottlenecks/facilitating factors have been in strengthening bilateral relations?

More information

You can find more detailed information in the Terms of Reference, Tender Instructions and Annexes below:

ToR Bilateral Mid Term Evaluation (PDF) Tender instructions bilateral mid-term evaluation (PDF) Insructions on invocing of travel expenses (Annex A) (PDF) Daily subsistence allowance (Annex B) (PDF)

Please note that the original Terms of Reference incorrectly stated that "the budget estimate should include all travel costs, including 3 trips to Brussels and 2 to Oslo”. The correct number is 4 trips to Brussels and 2 to Oslo. This has been corrected in the Terms of Reference document as of 4 May 2015.

Should you have any further questions, please contact Ms. Trine Eriksen by email: or phone: +32 2 211 1815.

  • Deadline for submission of bids is 8 June 2015 at 12 (noon) CET.
  • Contract period: June 2015 to January 2016.

For more information about the EEA and Norway Grants, please visit