Call for proposals: Czech Fund for Bilateral Relations

A call for proposals for initiatives under the national bilateral fund in the Czech Republic is now open for entities from Czech Republic as well as from the donor countries, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.

Slovenia- open call

The fund is established to strengthen the bilateral relations between the Czech Republic and the donor countries within the programme areas of the EEA and Norway Grants.

The funding serves as a flexible source of financial support for initiatives from both Czech and donor country entities.

Who can apply?

The following entities from the Czech Republic and donor countries, including the Council of Europe, can apply for funding from the fund:

  • Programme operators (including their partners from the line ministries)
  •  Applicants and partners of pre-defined projects from donor countries
  • National focal point for the EEA and Norway Grants 2009-2014.
  • Other entities competent in supported programme areas

If the applicant is an institution from a donor country, it must cooperate with an entity from the Czech Republic.

What is supported?

Funding is intended for small scale initiatives within the supported areas.

The fund is not intended for financing of projects. It provides financial support for broad initiatives, informative activities, complementary, preparatory and supportive initiatives, and documents with the aim to create or strengthen the base for present or future cooperation.

Initiatives shall be of the following nature:

  • Study and business trips, visits and meetings with the aim of sharing experience, know-how and transfer of best practice
  • bilateral meetings, workshops, seminars
  • Conferences with the goal of bi-/multilateral meetings, presentations and strengthening cooperation
  • Elaboration of studies, analyses and surveys to strengthen the cooperation between final beneficiaries and donor countries
  • Promotional initiatives to strengthen bilateral partnerships


When is the application deadline?

Applications can be submitted until14 December 2014 or until the total allocation is used.

Further information as well as the call documents can be found here