International conference - 'Improvement of the well-being of children and youth and prevention of social rejection”

CVE-20140523-EEA Estonia-139
Keynote speeches and examples are given by Frances Gardner from the University of Oxford, Arne Holte from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, experts from the Council of Europe and Dutch Youth Institute, the Ombudsman for Children in Iceland Margarét Maria Sigurðardóttir, the Chancellor of Justice Indrek Teder, Andres Aru from the office of the Chancellor of Justice, Anne Kleinberg from the Tallinn Children’s Hospital Psychiatry Clinic and many others.The conference will also highlight the contribution from the EEA and Norway Grants in these fields.Click here for the preliminary programme for the conferenceClick here to sign up for the conference (English translation will be provided)Read more about the Estonian 'Children and youth at risk' programme hereRead more about the Estonian 'Public Health Initiatives' programme here