A Europe Free from Gender-Based Violence: From Commitment to Action

May27 - 282015
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The conference aims to provide a platform for the exchange of knowledge and best practices in preventing and combating gender-based violence. Prevention and intervention will be the primary focus areas of the conference which will have a regional outlook with a focus on Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia, countries which implement programmes supported by Norway Grants in the fields of domestic and gender-based violence. The conference will likewise intend to inspire more research and systematic data collection as an important tool in the process of developing effective policies and measures to tackle gender-based violence.The conference is funded by Norway Grants and is organised by the Open Society Fund Prague (OSF) in co-operation with the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and the Council of Europe.Visit the conference websiteDownload conference publicationsRead more about the Czech 'Mainstreaming Gender Equality and Promoting Work-Life Balance & Domestic and Gender-based Violence; Let’s give (wo)men a chance' programmeRead more about the Grants' efforts countering gender based violence