Decent work is a safe work ‐ II edition

Project facts

Project promoter:
Gdansk Region of NSZZ Solidarnosc(PL)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:


This project builds on the previous project “Decent work is a safe work” (2019/101821) where the Gdansk regional branch of the trade union Solidarnosc contributed to improve the implementation of health and safety regulations in workplaces through training of social labour inspectors and awareness-raising among employers in the region.  The new project will continue these activities but also introduce new training focusing on psycho-social risks and stress in the workplace.

The project responds to a clear challenge in Poland, where there is a need for a better implementation of health and safety regulations. Despite requirements to implement health and safety regulations, many companies and workplaces do not have appropriate health and safety rules and procedures. Many are not aware of the benefits of these regulations both by increasing productivity, reducing the level of absence due to illness, and thereby reducing costs for enterprises.  

There is no formal Norwegian partner in the project, but close contacts were established during the first edition with LO Norway, who will continue to share their knowledge and experience on an informal basis.

The following activities will be carried out:

-  continue running the project''s website, a database of Q&As, newsletters, social media, radio broadcasts, press articles,  a publication on the role of social partners in health and safety at work, comparative review of situation in Norway and Poland, and a proposal for changes in Polish regulations. 
- a conference on labour protection system in Poland (300 participants) with presentation of the Norwegian system. 
- 3-day training (16 hours) continued in the field of health and safety, social labour inspection and labour law for Social labour inspectors (5 trainings x 15 participants)
- new 1-day, training (6-hours) on psycho-social risks and stress in the workplace (8 training groups x 10 people).  

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.