Decent work is a safe work

Project facts

Project promoter:
Gdansk Region of NSZZ Solidarnosc(PL)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:


The aim of the project is to promote safety culture in the workplace, both among employees and employers. The goal will be implemented by conducting educational activities on the applicable standards and procedures and showing good practices and information on the benefits resulting from the implementation of high safety standards in the workplace.

Health and safety regulations in Poland are well developed but only in larger companies (with over 250 employees) it is obligatory to set a health and safety committee. SME companies that constitute 99% of the business sector in Poland are called the gray security zone. 
Applicant being a regional section of the umbrella trade union Solidarnosc, from Gdansk region plans to rise this issue and promote safety culture in the workplace, both among employees and employers. 

The project will train 150 members and candidates for social labor inspection in Gdansk region who will secure implementation of the health and safety regulations also among employers that do not have own health and safety committees or safety service.
This goal is to be achieved through a series of actions, divided into:
- Analysis of polish and Norwegian legal and formal framework for health and safety at workplace including a survey.
- Opening conference for 300 people (trade union representatives, District Labour Inspectorate), organized in Gdansk. 
- Recruitment to the training sessions
- 10 training sessions (16 hours each) x 15 people each (150 training participants). 
- conference summarizing projects results (150 persons) with participation of social labour inspectors, employers’ associations, employers.


Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.