Enhancing the potentials for decent work actions in social dialogue

Project facts

Project promoter:
Inter-company Self-governing Independent Trade Union of CMC Poland Employees(PL)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Małopolska Association of Employers LEWIATAN(PL)
Municipality of Zawiercie(PL)

More information


The main goal of the project is to improve working conditions and labour relations in the steel and iron sector, through sectoral labour standards and social dialogue in the regions, as well as events ensuring decent work innovation action plans.  

The project aims to address four strategic goals for decent work: 

  1. Job creation at regional level, 
  2. Rights at work, 
  3. Social protection 
  4. Social dialogue, with gender equality as a cross-cutting goal.  

Local and regional government entities are responsible for the social and public context linked to the sector and related businesses, and thus good governance is an integral part of an effective social dialogue. The project involves three parties influencing regional social dialogue and governance: representatives of employers, employees and the local government.  

The project supported activities at company, sector, and regional level, enhancing the social dialogue and tripartite cooperation in the steel and iron labour market. It developed an action plan and a code of conduct for the protection of labour rights and the improvement of working conditions.   

The project aimed to support:  

  1. Improvement of working conditions and labour relations in the steel sector through sectoral labour standards and social dialogue in metalworking employment regions. 
  2. A series of decent employment activities and events, and innovative action plans that social partners at the company level have to consider.  

The project promoter, Inter-company Self-governing Independent Trade Union of CMC Poland Employees, is a Polish trade union that represents the interests of its members.  

The main activities of the project include: 

  • a competition-based campaign,  

  • workshop for 100 participants,  

  • networking event, 

  • 5 training sessions and  

  • study visits to Norway meeting experts and representatives of LO - The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions.  

Summary of project results

The project supported fair and sustainable economic and social development in the steel and iron labour market by supporting decent work activities at the company, sector, and regional levels. The project activities conducted were attended by representatives of three parties of social dialogue at the regional level - a trade union representing employees MSNZZP CMC Poland Sp. z o.o. one of the largest workplaces in Silesia, the Regional Employers'' Association MZP Lewiatan, and representatives of the City Hall Zawiercie. This improved the social dialogue between the different parties, through informal and formal meeting places and dialogue.  

The project developed the Action Plan and Code of Conducts for the protection of Labour Rights and improvement of working conditions.  

Through the different trainings, workshops, conferences, and promotional activities, over 300 persons participated. The project organized face to face and online trainings, workshops, conferences, online informative campaign, social media publications, online open days, study visit to Norway and meeting with representatives from the most important trade union confederation in Norway - LO.  

There was a lot of interest in the project, and even during the pandemic, recruiting participants was easily done. This confirmed the importance of the topic and how much training is needed in this area. The number of participants that exceed the assumed indicators testifies to the success of the project. 

The study visit to Norway, bringing in representatives of the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions, was a valuable activity. To exchange experiences was insightful and for the Polish participants, it was important to see what the "Norwegian model of social dialogue" looks like in reality. 

The organizational development of an action plan and code of conduct for the protection of labour rights and the improvement of working conditions by the project experts has great value for social dialogue standards and can be treated as good practice.  


Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.