Social Dialogue and collective agreements in Lithuania

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association of Local Authorities in Lithuania(LT)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities(NO)
Other Project Partners
Lithuanian Trade Unions of State
Budget and Public Service Employees(LT)

More information


In recent years, social dialogue in Lithuania has been significantly developing: national and branch collective agreements were signed, discussions between employers and employees are taking place, employees negotiate for better working conditions, defending their rights, collective bargaining is getting  more active, etc. Other countries‘ experience shows that it is particularly important to develop social dialogue at the local level, especially  by encouraging municipal administrations involvement in collective negotiations or by signing sectoral and territorial collective agreements. Lithuanian municipalities are showing growing interest in developing the social dialogue. The project „Social dialogue and collective agreements“ has been an important contributor in this process. Project aimed to improve social dialogue and cooperation through strengthening social dialogue bipartite cooperation at local level in the sector of social services, also to identify process of municipal administrations’ participation in social dialogue, to develop higher trust, better understanding and improve social dialogue skills as well as capacities using the Norwegian long-term experience.

The project was implemented by Association of Local Authorities in Lithuania (ALAL), Lithuanian Trade Union of State, Budget and Public Service Employees  (LTUSE) and Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS).

Project objectives:

-             To strengthen social dialogue and cooperation between different parties.

-             To encourage municipal administrations’ involvement in the social dialogue of the social services sector.

-             To provide knowledge and practical skills in the field of social dialogue and collective negotiations.



Summary of project results

The project „Social dialogue and collective agreements“ aimed to improve social dialogue and cooperation through strengthening social dialogue bipartite cooperation at local level in the sector of social services, also to identify process of municipal administrations’ participation in social dialogue, to develop higher trust, better understanding and improve social dialogue skills as well as capacities using the Norwegian long-term experience.

The project was implemented by Association of Local Authorities in Lithuania (ALAL), Lithuanian Trade Union of State, Budget and Public Service Employees  (LTUSE) and Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS).

Project objectives:

-             To strengthen social dialogue and cooperation between different parties.

-             To encourage municipal administrations’ involvement in the social dialogue of the social services sector.

-             To provide knowledge and practical skills in the field of social dialogue and collective negotiations.


Based on Norwegian and local experience around 200 municipal administrations, trade unions  and social service institutions representatives have been provided with the necessary knowledge and practical skills in the development of social dialogue and collective agreements practical implementation. As a project result methodological guidelines on the social dialogue development at local level and draft territorial agreement have been prepared and presented during trainings and seminars.


Two year project contributed to the development of social dialogue and cooperation between employers and employees and to the encouragement of  municipal administrations’ involvement in the social dialogue in  social services sector. Also project activities strengthened the bilateral cooperation between Lithuania and Norway and opened ways for future cooperation.

Summary of bilateral results

Norwegian experience has raised awareness and understanding of social dialogue, project participants got acquainted with the Norwegian system and good practice, how different social dialogue parties work together in collective bargaining as well was presented the role of municipalities in social dialogue.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.