The projects'' objective is to contribute to activation and strengthening of the social dialogue in the metal sector, by introducing different aspects of best practices of social dialogue in Poland. Different project activities aim at spreading the knowledge about collective agreements and their implementation on company level. The main aim was to contribute to the activation and strengthening of social dialogue in the metal and steel industries, whereas the project helped establishing long-term and effective cooperation between the regional structures of the Federation of Metalworkers and Metallurgist Trade Unions in social dialogue.
The project aimed to increase the level of knowledge among employees and employers about law and policies regarding employee involvement and their rights and obligations. The project also aims to raise awareness among social partners of the key role of bipartite social dialogue in the region.
The project includes the following main activities:
- Informative inauguration meeting for the members of Federacja ZZ Metalowcy
- 3 workshops to raise awareness of social partners of the key role of bipartite social dialogue
- Publication of promotional articles
- Press conference and event with panel discussions
The project concentrated on the capacity of trade union representatives to get into effective participation in bilateral consultations. The activities contributed to increased capacity of the trade union to tackle social dialogue related issues.
Summary of project results
The projects'' objective is to contribute to activation and strengthening of the social dialogue in the metal sector, by introducing different aspects of best practices of social dialogue in Poland. Different project activities aim at spreading the knowledge about collective agreements and their implementation on company level.
The project "B-Social metal sector" was needed for many reasons. Only a small fraction of workers in Poland are covered by collective agreements, which are mainly held at the company or workplace level. This means that where there are no unions to deal with the problem, employers set wages and conditions unilaterally. Trade unions present in the company have the right to obtain information and consultations, but the scope of this information is limited to issues that are necessary for the conduct of trade union activities (working conditions and wages) and / or are related to emergency situations (company transfer, collective redundancies).
The project successfully trained the members of the Federacja ZZ Metalowcy in skills needed in negotiations, and about law and social policies, as well as employee involvement and employees rights and obligation. Through their activities, the project increased knowledge about bilateral negotiations, work agreements, the role and importance of social dialogue at the workplace and negotiations as a methods of conflict resolutions. Good practices and experience in the field of social dialogue in Norway was disseminated among the participants of the workshops, and the project has successfully increased the social dialogue in the metal and steel industries. This was done through the following main activities:
- Informative inauguration meeting for the members of Federacja ZZ Metalowcy
- 3 workshops to raise awareness of social partners of the key role of bipartite social dialogue
- Publication of promotional articles
- Press conference and event with panel discussions
The project successfully increased the administrative capacity of Polish trade union structures at the national and sectoral level, ensuring effective participation in bilateral consultations. The project also raised awareness of social partners in joint workshops, discussing the strengths and weaknesses of social dialogue and the ability to manage change at sector and company level.
The project helped establishing long-term and effective cooperation between the regional structures of the Federation of Trade Unions of Metalworkers and Steelworkers in the field of social dialogue and improved structures and practices of social and bipartite dialogue through the exchange of good practices in communication, negotiation and decision-making.