Innovative services for twin transition in SMEs and clusters

Project facts

Project promoter:
Romanian Clusters Association(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:


The aim of the project is to increase the competitiveness of Romanian companies based on green industry (eco) innovation, digitalization and internationalization, with a particular focus on strengthening the Romanian-Norwegian business and innovation relationships. 

The target groups are made up of SMEs and clusters from economic sectors similar to Norway like wood and furniture, textile and fashion, energy, constructions, health, creative industries.

Clusters are the most efficient tools for triggering innovative processes in SMEs, hence the strategic objectives will be derived into the general objective of creating an efficient support service portfolio to accompany clusters and member SMEs on their twin transition (green and digital) pathway. 

The project will be implemented by Romanian Clusters Association (PP) in collaboration with Innovation Performance AS (P1), based on the provided Partnership Agreement. 

The project objective will be achieved by starting with an overall analysis of existing support services at the level of clusters, followed by inputs from the Norwegian experience, which will be discussed with targeted clusters and SMEs in a dedicated co-creation workshop. The portfolio will be elaborated and validated in a dedicated training session together with cluster managers and SMEs. The study tour to Norway will consolidate the elaborated portfolio.

Summary of project results

Increase the competitiveness of Romanian companies based on green industry (eco) innovation, digitalization and internationalization, with a particular focus on strengthening the Romanian-Norwegian business and innovation relationships. 

The project objective was achieved by preparing an overall analysis of existing support services at the level of clusters, followed by inputs from the Norwegian experience, which was discussed with targeted clusters and SMEs in a dedicated co-creation workshop. The portfolio was elaborated and validated in a dedicated training session together with cluster managers and SMEs. The study tour to Norway consolidated the elaborated portfolio and helped creating 5 partnerships between Romanian and Norwegian companies. 

The following resulted following the implementation of the project: analysis of existing support services at the level of clusters, co-creation workshop, training session, study tour to Norway, best practices brochure and  helped creating 5 partnerships between Romanian and Norwegian companies. The target group was Romanian clusters.

Summary of bilateral results

5 partnerships between Romanian and Norwegian companies. 

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.