Motum - Green Mobility Application

Project facts

Project promoter:
Hello Motum(RO)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:


The Motum Green Mobility project, undertaken by Hello MOTUM with support from the EEA and Norway Grants, is a pioneering initiative in the field of urban transportation and sustainability. The project revolves around the development of the Motum Green Mobility mobile app (MaaS), designed to alleviate traffic congestion and encourage citizens to opt for eco-friendly transportation alternatives. Users of the app are rewarded with points, convertible into discounts at partner stores, motivating them to make environmentally conscious choices. By promoting green mobility and aligning with the EU''s focus on environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG), the project aims to foster a culture of sustainability while enhancing urban mobility solutions.

The project aims to enhance the competitiveness of hello MOTUM while reducing traffic congestion and promoting eco-friendly transportation choices. Through its mobile app, Motum incentivizes users to opt for green transport alternatives, contributing to environmental sustainability and aligning with EU ESG objectives. The project seeks to empower citizens to reduce their carbon footprint and improve urban transportation, fostering a more competitive and sustainable future.

Achieving this requires a series of key activities, including:

- Development of a innovative mobile app

- Project management

- Project promotion

- Organisation of a testing and validation event

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.