Integrated system for monitoring, analysis and diagnosis of electrical equipment and energy quality in the electroenergetic system (EES) in order to increase energy efficiency in electricity generation for hydroelectric power plants

Project facts

Project promoter:
Simtech International SRL(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


The main objective of the project proposed by Simtech International SRL is to develop and manufacture a new integrated system for monitoring, analysis and diagnosis of electrical equipment and energy quality in the electro energetic system (EES). An electro system is a set of interconnected power plants through which the production, transport, operational management, distribution, supply and use of electricity are carried out. The system shall increase the energy efficiency in electricity generation for hydroelectric power plants.

The main activities of the project include:

  • Experimental model development. Included in this activity are acquiring, combining, shaping and using existing scientific, technological relevant knowledge and skill for the past applied research activities.
  • Prototype development. which includes software application testing.
  • SMESEE System certification. Without the certification, the product is not accepted on the European market.
  • Obtaining intellectual property rights.
  • Publicity to promote the project.
  • Project management.

 Expected outcomes of the project include 4 new intellectual property rights by year 2022, 1 innovative technology solution developed, and 2 full time jobs created by 2022.

Summary of project results

The project aims to address the following issues:

1. **Limited Real-time Monitoring:**
   - The absence of real-time monitoring and diagnosis systems for electro-energetic system (EES) power equipment leads to a reliance on corrective maintenance, increasing the risk of serious damages to the National Electric System (SEN).

2. **Inadequate Preventive Maintenance:**
   - Dependency on corrective and preventive maintenance, as per SEN regulations, proves insufficient. The project seeks to introduce on-line monitoring and diagnosis systems to enable proactive maintenance strategies and prevent potential damages.

3. **Niche Market Identification and Energy Efficiency:**
   - The project identifies a niche market and aims to develop a product with a system for monitoring and optimizing electrical equipment and energy quality. The goal is to enhance energy efficiency, specifically focusing on hydroelectric power plants within the electro-energetic system.

The project encompassed various activities, including the development of an experimental model by acquiring and applying scientific knowledge, prototyping with software testing, obtaining SMESEE System certification essential for European market acceptance, securing intellectual property rights, conducting project promotion through publicity efforts, and overall project management. Notably, the outputs include the successful creation of one innovative technology/solution by 2022 and the goal of commercializing one innovative solution/technology/process by 2023. The testing occurred at the ICMET platform, with positive reception at the SMEE symposium leading to interest in both hardware and software. Furthermore, the Promoter provided the software application to interested parties, and discussions with a national hydro provider resulted in verbal acceptance to install part of the project solution at a hydroelectric plant.

The project achieved significant outcomes, benefiting various stakeholders in the electro-energetic systems domain. Firstly, by successfully developing one innovative technology or solution by 2022, the project contributes to advancements in the field, introducing cutting-edge solutions for improved monitoring and maintenance. This outcome is poised to impact researchers, industry professionals, and organizations seeking state-of-the-art technologies in electro-energetic systems.

Additionally, the project aimed to commercialize one innovative solution, technology, or process by 2023. The anticipated commercialization signifies potential economic benefits and market viability, offering innovative solutions to industries involved in electro-energetic systems. This outcome directly impacts market players and businesses looking for advanced technologies to enhance their operations.

Obtaining certification for the SMESEE System is another notable result. This achievement ensures acceptance in the European market, benefiting the project stakeholders and potential users by meeting the necessary standards for market entry and fostering wider adoption of the developed system. The certification adds credibility and market relevance to the project''s solutions.

Furthermore, securing intellectual property rights for the developed solution safeguards the project''s innovations, creating a foundation for exclusivity and potential revenue generation through licensing or strategic partnerships. This outcome holds significance for the project team, offering protection and opportunities for collaboration in the broader technological landscape.

The successful testing of monitoring subsystems in an industrial environment at the ICMET platform validates the practical application of the developed technology. This achievement instills confidence in its functionality and reliability for industrial users, providing tangible benefits to those seeking reliable solutions for monitoring and diagnostics in real-world settings.

The positive reception and interest garnered at the SMEE symposium indicate the project''s visibility and potential collaboration opportunities. This outcome expands the project''s network, fostering partnerships with researchers, industry professionals, and other stakeholders interested in the hardware and software components developed by the project.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.