Bio-Based Circular Solutions To Decarbonize The Local Economy

Project facts

Project promoter:
Promateris SA(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:


The project aims to prepare the ground for opening a new division within Promateris SA: BIO Compounds. This new division will be specialized in the production of BioMateris, a biodegradable and compostable raw material. The company aims to sell this raw material to manufacturers of biodegradable and compostable end products. 

The investment in the context of the proposed project will enable the production of BioMateris pellets. They are mainly produced from corn starch. Biomateris has applications in the following areas/products:

  • Agriculture (mulching film, compostable clips).
  • Packaging (different types of bags, food contact bags, cling film, trays, lids).
  • Carrier bags.
  • Food service/HoReCa (tableware such as: knives, forks, spoons, straws, lids).
  • Bio waste management solutions (bin liners). 

Key activities related to the project include external consultancy which includes financial audit, investments related to acquiring equipment, publicity to raise awareness of the project and finally partner activities who will deliver specific knowledge and expertise.

 Expected outcomes include annual decrease in CO2 emissions from 6.290 tonnes in 2019 to 2.855 tonnes in 2022. Estimated annual collection of waste from production for re-use and recycling goes from 0 tonnes in 2019 to 80 tonnes in 2022. The project is expected to generate 8 new jobs.

Summary of project results

The project successfully addressed several key issues and challenges, positioning Promateris SA to establish a new division: BIO Compounds. This specialized division focuses on the production of BioMateris, a biodegradable and compostable raw material intended for sale to manufacturers producing biodegradable and compostable end products.

Through strategic investments in the project, Promateris SA achieved the successful production of BioMateris pellets, primarily derived from corn starch. These pellets found applications in diverse sectors, including agriculture (mulching film, compostable clips), packaging (bags, food contact items, cling film, trays, lids), carrier bags, food service/HoReCa (tableware), and bio waste management solutions (bin liners).

Key activities conducted during the project included external consultancy, involving financial audits and investments for acquiring necessary equipment. Additionally, promotional efforts were undertaken to raise awareness of the project, emphasizing the company''s commitment to sustainable practices and the production of environmentally friendly raw materials.

The project undertook a series of strategic activities to establish the BIO Compounds division within Promateris SA, focusing on the production of BioMateris—a biodegradable and compostable raw material. The key activities encompassed external consultancy, investments in equipment acquisition, publicity campaigns, and collaborations with partners possessing specific knowledge and expertise.

External consultancy played a vital role, incorporating financial audits to ensure effective project management and adherence to industry standards. Investments were directed towards acquiring the necessary equipment for the production of BioMateris pellets, primarily derived from corn starch. These pellets found applications across various sectors, including agriculture, packaging, carrier bags, food service, and bio waste management solutions.

Publicity activities were conducted to raise awareness of the project, highlighting the company''s commitment to sustainable practices and the introduction of an innovative, eco-friendly raw material. Additionally, collaborations with partners contributed specialized knowledge and expertise, enhancing the project''s overall effectiveness and ensuring seamless integration of the new division.

The achieved outputs of the project are notable and align with its sustainability goals. The annual decrease in CO2 emissions from 6,290 tonnes in 2019 to 2,855 tonnes in 2022 showcases the positive environmental impact of transitioning to biodegradable and compostable materials. Furthermore, the estimated annual collection of waste from production for re-use and recycling increased from zero tonnes in 2019 to a substantial 80 tonnes in 2022. These outcomes collectively signify the successful implementation of the project''s activities, fostering economic growth, environmental responsibility, and the establishment of a thriving BIO Compounds division within Promateris SA.

The project achieved impactful results with wide-ranging outcomes and positive impacts for various stakeholders involved. 

Firstly, the successful establishment of the BIO Compounds division within Promateris SA resulted in the production of BioMateris pellets—a biodegradable and compostable raw material. The primary beneficiaries are manufacturers of biodegradable and compostable end products who can now source this innovative raw material. This opens new avenues for environmentally conscious product development across sectors such as agriculture, packaging, food service, and waste management.

The adoption of BioMateris as a raw material contributed to significant environmental benefits. The annual decrease in CO2 emissions from 6,290 tonnes in 2019 to 2,855 tonnes in 2022 showcases a substantial reduction in the company''s carbon footprint. This outcome positively impacts the environment and aligns with global efforts to mitigate climate change. Additionally, the estimated annual collection of waste from production for re-use and recycling increased from zero tonnes in 2019 to 80 tonnes in 2022. This demonstrates a commendable shift towards more sustainable waste management practices.

Economically, the project generated eight new jobs, contributing to local employment and economic growth. The establishment of the BIO Compounds division also positions Promateris SA as a leader in sustainable manufacturing, enhancing its competitiveness in the market. The outcomes of the project benefit not only the company itself but also local communities through job creation and the broader society through environmentally responsible practices.

In summary, the project''s results have far-reaching impacts, benefiting manufacturers, the environment, local economies, and society at large. The successful production of BioMateris pellets and the associated environmental improvements reflect a commitment to sustainability, innovation, and responsible business practices, setting a positive example for the industry and contributing to a more sustainable future.

Summary of bilateral results

The bilateral cooperation with BioBag International AS was instrumental in the successful implementation of the project, bringing specialized expertise and knowledge transfer to key activities. As part of Activity 3, two Expertise Managers from BioBag International AS actively engaged in the know-how transfer process. They played a pivotal role in providing specific knowledge and expertise related to the production of biodegradable raw materials.During the collaboration, the Expertise Managers facilitated the exchange of good practices, offering valuable insights to optimize the production flow. Their contributions extended to assisting the project promoter in achieving manufacturing goals, conducting cost/benefit analyses, and providing essential calculations for the development of the new product, particularly the raw material known as BioMateris.The partnership with BioBag International AS, now successfully concluded, significantly enhanced the project''s technical capabilities and ensured the seamless integration of innovative processes. This collaboration played a key role in achieving the project''s objectives, establishing the BIO Compounds division within Promateris SA, and contributing to advancements in sustainable manufacturing practices. The expertise transfer from BioBag International AS positively impacted the project''s outcomes, positioning the company as a leader in the production of environmentally friendly raw materials for a range of applications.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.