Greening Superball production line thorugh innovative textile products, automation and by improving circular economy processes

Project facts

Project promoter:
Super Ball SRL(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
International Development Norway AS(NO)


The overall objective is to improve the competitiveness of the company on national and international markets, to green the production of textiles by increasing the rate of waste recovered from operational processes, developing and implementing energy efficient production line processes. Creating operational facility dedicated to circular economy procedures design in order to growth the rate of waste recovered from operational processes with at least 50%. By acquiring targeted top line machineries our company will be able to reduce operational costs with 10%, green the production flow, diminish energy costs, reduce CO2 footprint, recover to almost 80% the waste generated from operational processes and develop branded new features, designs and articles for international market, especially for EU and Scandinavian market – mainly Norwegian market.

The main objective of the company for the coming years is to become one of the most important producers in the textile industry from Eastern Europe. Another important objective is to establish green production capacities for new products lines focused on home and premium sleeping textile products, and to become an important player in the EU textile sector. These objectives can be achieved by increasing productivity, by ensuring sustainable principles and reducing productivity gaps, by strengthening and developing the textile finishing activity, increasing the capacity and efficiency of the activity, by purchasing modern low-emission and high productivity machines, and by creating and developing improved circular economy processes.

The project is implemented in partnership with International Development Norway (IDN). IDN will among other things help with designing a green production line and logistics solution for the manufacturing, provide simulation tools for optimizing the production line layout and integrate Lean manufacturing with Value Stream Mapping (VSM) which will minimize work-in-process inventory.

Summary of project results

The project successfully addressed a range of challenges to significantly enhance the company''s competitiveness in both national and international textile markets. One of the primary challenges was the limited adoption of circular economy practices, with a need to increase the rate of waste recovered from operational processes by at least 50%. In response, the project created a dedicated operational facility, successfully achieving the targeted increase in waste recovery. This accomplishment not only contributed to environmental sustainability but also positioned the company as a leader in implementing circular economy procedures.

A key focus of the project was to improve energy efficiency in production processes, addressing the challenge of high operational costs and a substantial carbon footprint. Through the development and implementation of energy-efficient production line processes, the company achieved a remarkable 10% reduction in operational costs. This accomplishment not only resulted in financial benefits but also demonstrated a commitment to sustainable and eco-friendly manufacturing practices, aligning with market demands for environmentally conscious products.

The project also successfully tackled the need for technological upgradation by acquiring top-line machinery. This strategic move aimed at enhancing productivity, greening the production flow, and developing innovative features and designs for the international market. By achieving this objective, the company not only positioned itself as a major player in the textile industry in Eastern Europe but also established a strong presence in the EU and Scandinavian markets. This technological advancement contributed to the company''s growth and competitiveness in the global textile sector.

The project undertook a comprehensive set of activities to modernize and enhance its textile production processes, with a specific focus on integrating green production line systems. Key activities included significant investments in advanced equipment, such as a mattress production line, new tech quilting machines, and automated packaging systems. Activity 1 involved the in-house management of equipment investments, ensuring strategic acquisition and deployment. In Activity 2, the project collaborated with a partner to receive innovation support, emphasizing production layouts and process improvements. This partnership aimed to seamlessly integrate the newly acquired equipment into existing infrastructure while maximizing automation and digitalization in the production flow. A financial audit (Activity 3) was conducted to ensure transparency and effective budget utilization. Finally, Activity 4 involved promotional efforts to communicate the project''s commitment to green production practices, showcasing advancements in equipment and processes.

The project''s outputs reflect its commitment to sustainability, circular economy practices, and resource efficiency in the textile industry. Output 1 highlights the establishment of an operational facility and dedicated procedures for circular economy practices, with the goal of increasing the rate of waste recovered from operational processes by at least 50% by 2023. Output 2 signifies a reduction in polyethylene film consumption, achieved through the implementation of revised production processes. The project aimed to reduce consumption by 1 kg per mattress unit by 2023, showcasing a tangible commitment to minimizing environmental impact. Output 3 demonstrates the project''s dedication to energy efficiency, with a measure implemented to increase energy efficiency by 2023. These outputs collectively represent the successful integration of green practices, innovation, and efficiency improvements in the textile production processes, contributing to a more sustainable and competitive industry presence.

The project achieved impactful results, generating outcomes that benefit various stakeholders in the textile industry, as well as the broader environmental landscape.

Firstly, the project successfully established an operational facility and dedicated procedures for circular economy practices (Output 1). This achievement significantly increased the rate of waste recovered from operational processes by at least 50% by 2023. The primary beneficiaries of this outcome include the company itself, as it contributes to reduced waste, enhanced resource efficiency, and aligns with sustainability goals. Additionally, the broader textile industry benefits from the project''s pioneering efforts in circular economy practices, setting a precedent for environmentally conscious manufacturing.

Secondly, the project successfully implemented measures to revise the production process, resulting in a reduction of polyethylene film consumption by 1 kg per mattress unit by 2023 (Output 2). This accomplishment is noteworthy for the company, as it directly translates to reduced material costs and a diminished environmental footprint. Consumers also benefit indirectly from this outcome, as the adoption of eco-friendly practices aligns with increasing consumer demand for sustainable products.

Thirdly, the project achieved enhanced energy efficiency (Output 3) by implementing measures to optimize energy consumption in production processes by 2023. The company benefits through reduced energy costs, improved operational efficiency, and a lower carbon footprint. Beyond direct company benefits, the positive environmental impact contributes to the broader goal of sustainable industrial practices.

In summary, the project''s results have tangible benefits for the company, the textile industry, and consumers. The establishment of circular economy procedures, reduction in material consumption, and increased energy efficiency collectively contribute to a more sustainable and competitive textile production sector. These outcomes align with global trends towards environmentally conscious practices and position the company as a leader in sustainable textile manufacturing.

Summary of bilateral results

The bilateral cooperation with International Development Norway (IDN) has proven instrumental in advancing the goals and initiatives of the project. Together, the project and IDN collaboratively addressed challenges and implemented strategic activities to enhance the company''s competitiveness in the textile industry. One key aspect of this cooperation involved the acquisition and integration of cutting-edge equipment, including a mattress production line and automated machinery, aimed at greening the production flow and increasing overall efficiency.IDN played a crucial role in providing innovation support, particularly in the areas of production layouts and process improvements. This collaborative effort focused on maximizing automation and digitalization in the updated production flow, aligning the purchased equipment parameters with existing infrastructure, machineries, and workflows. This partnership not only ensured seamless integration but also contributed valuable expertise to optimize production processes and layouts.Furthermore, IDN''s involvement extended to financial audit activities, ensuring transparency and effective financial management throughout the project. The collaborative efforts with IDN supported the project in its promotional endeavors, highlighting the green production initiatives and innovations achieved. Overall, the bilateral cooperation with IDN has been a strategic partnership, contributing to the success of the project by providing expertise, support, and innovative solutions to drive sustainable practices and competitiveness in the textile industry.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.