Virtual simulated platform for compliance learning-testing. A bold Romanian-Norwegian cooperation

Project facts

Project promoter:
Bold Tehnologies SRL(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


The problem that Bold Technologies focuses on is the regulatory requirements coming into force in the European Union and in Switzerland, which are placing a burden on the financial industry. All these regulatory frameworks require employees to be educated continuously and their efforts need to be tested and certified. Therefore, the promoter has identified a trackable training solution for employees in the financial service industry based on a virtual learning bank

The objective of the project is to deliver and develop a platform with adaptive gamified learning which will be personalized to individuals from the banking sector. The achievement of the project will be done through the development of an AI algorithm that will scan the ongoing tasks of the users to detect their learning needs and to make real time learning suggestions. The development of the adaptive learning engine has 3 components:

  • The learning management software that will display the learning content to the user.
  • A playground with learning games and simulators for various roles in banking.
  • The AI engine that is generating the personalized learning content (video, text + games and simulators) to the users and measures their level of understanding.

The company estimates that the project will generate 3 new jobs.

Summary of project results

The project succesfully deliver the expected results. The R&D team completed the work on both the e-learning platform and the AI engine integration with the e-learning platform. Both the detection algorithm and the elearning engine have been tested together and the combined product has delivered the expected results.
Testimony to this is the fact that the Promoter has delivered mandatory training programs in their platform to more than 4500 users, with 100% uptime for the platform and 0 security or the platform not working incidents. 

One  research partnerhsip with Bucharest University of Economics (ASE) was approved and the company will collaborate to research and develop technology solutions in the learning space, for the financial services industry. This is in line with the current project and the capabilites developed by BOLD Tehnologies as a result of this project. 

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.