Higher competitiveness and superior environmental performance in manufacturing of paper packaging

Project facts

Project promoter:
Flexomatei SRL(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


The main goal of the project is to increase the company’s competitiveness and overall optimization of the business. The project would diversify the current product portfolio by introducing new products that were not previously produced like transparent foil paper packages. The competitiveness would be increased through the new innovative ITC solution for accurate price calculation.

With the help of the new equipment, the services provided by the company and the products will be more efficient, using less resources like energy and paper and will as well generate less waste. Key activities include:

  • Purchase, delivery and set up of the main investment.
  • Integration of an ITC tool, outsourced.
  • Project management and audit, outsourced.
  • Information and publicity, outsourced.

Flexomatei has a significant responsible approach towards referring to global standards and the environment. The promoter embraces the good business practices within the organization with a strong focus on health and safety of its employees. The company is working towards increasing the gender equality in the future recruitment processes.

Summary of project results

The promoter had in view Introducing new products in the applicant’s portfolio – transparent foil paper package. this has been achieved by introducing a new paper type which may allow for the customer to provide products in a packaging that permits views of the product.
More efficient production processes as a result of investing in the paper packaging equipment and the paper cutting equipment. The current production capacity is 30000 paper bags to 150000 paper bags. This indicator results has been  achieved by documenting the capacity of the current production. The increased production has created the opportunity for the applicant to extend the services to providing branded materials for Makkita Romania (large tools and equipment producers);
Development of an accurate price calculation implemented with the help of the ITC solution has been achived and prrove functionality and efficiency of the solution is creating business benefits for the Promtoer.  
Also, the following results have been avhived:

- A reduction in the energy consumption level 20% per year ( equivalent of 2.52 MWh / year reduced)
 - A reduction of waste (paper) from operational process for re-use or recycling – 2 tones by 2021:
 - The project increased turnover and profitability of the company involved.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.