
Project facts

Project promoter:
União de Mulheres Alternativa e Resposta(PT)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Icelandic Women''s Rights Association(IS)
Other Project Partners
ATEC - Training Academy(PT)
Basic School - Capelo(PT)
Cluster of Schools - Gaia Nascente(PT)
Cluster of Schools - Maia(PT)
Cluster of Schools - Nº1 do Marco de Canaveses(PT)
Cluster of Schools - Vallis Longus(PT)
Higher School of Education - Porto(PT)
NÓS - Association of Parents and Professionals for the Integration of the Disabled(PT)
Secondary School - Amora(PT)
Secondary School du Bocage(PT)
Secondary School Fernão Mendes Pinto(PT)


The Project “Estereótipos Não Fazem o Meu Género” recognises the gender asymmetries in the academic and vocational choices for girls and boys, and that will later translate into inequality in the labour market.

This Project aims to work with youth in unpacking harmful stereotypes that may be conditioning young people to lose confidence in their skills and/or avoid choosing specific fields of study and work due to feelings of shame, inferiority or inadequacy.

Activities will prioritise an holistic and interdisciplinary approach that will help young people and teachers reflect critically about how inequalities and gender violence are rooted in society, while also creating a network with key informants that will provide a more realistic insight of what means to be working in areas dominated by the opposite sex. This process will be done through pedagogical sessions in schools with students, through mentorship, school trips and workshops, throughout the 3 years of implementation. 

Lastly, the project will culminate in 2 events for all participants that will showcase the work that has been developed, and publish materials, including a manual, to ensure the project’s sustainability.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.