Affection Workshop: Educating in Equality

Project facts

Project promoter:
Question of Equality - Association for Social Innovation(PT)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Other Project Partners
AEPP - Patrício Prazeres School Group(PT)
CPCJ - Lisboa Centro(PT)
Junta de Freguesia Penha de França(PT)
Olaias School Group(PT)
SCML - UDIP Madredeus(PT)


The project will test and implement an integrated, locally based program to promote relational skills based on the promotion of gender equality and a culture of affection involving children, families and educators, that can be replicated in other territorial contexts.

In order to achieve this objective, a set of integrated activities will be developed:

  • Training of the partnership in gender equality;
  • Training of children''s educators in gender equality;
  • Sensitization of children and families in order to promote gender equality and combating all forms of discrimination based on gender.

Summary of project results

This project aimed to address several issues and challenges related to gender equality and violence prevention. These included promoting relationship skills and fostering affectionate cultures within the community. Specifically, the project sought to empower partnerships to tackle gender inequality and prevent violence, educate early childhood educators in gender equality, break down gender stereotypes among preschoolers through playful activities, sensitize families to gender stereotypes, promote equality in child education, and integrate gender equality into family and child interventions to prevent violence.

  • Trained professionals from various organizations on child and youth development.

  • Certified early childhood educators from multiple preschools in Penha de França.

  • Held 41 workshops for 256 local preschool children, contributing to campaign materials.

  • Developed and ran a campaign with exhibitions and school talks on child welfare and violence prevention.

  • Hosted 10 workshops for parents, promoting equality and nurturing affection at home.

  • Ran 30 summer workshops for 212 preschool children in Penha de França.

  • Created practical resources like a procedural manual and educational kits for preschools.

  • Evaluated project outcomes and impact on the community.

  • Held a final seminar to share project results and discuss future steps with community members.

The "Affection Workshop: Educating in Equality" project aimed to promote gender equality and reduce stereotypes and violence in preschool education within Lisbon''s Penha de França district. It collaborated with local entities and a Norwegian organization. Key activities included training educators on gender equality, workshops for children and families promoting affection and respect, and developing educational resources like practical manuals and guides. The project aligned with national and international policies on gender equality and violence prevention.

The project successfully assessed its impact. Recommendations for future actions include integrating gender perspectives into education, establishing equality plans in schools, and improving training for educators and child welfare professionals.

The Project Promoter emphasizes that the program, which promotes relational skills supporting equality between men and women and a culture of affection, aligns with instruments developed under Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 139/2019, dated August 19. This includes the "Minimum Requirements Guide for Primary Prevention Programs and Projects against Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence" and the "Integrated Intervention Guide for Children or Young People Victims of Domestic Violence."

The overall evaluation of activities showed that 87% of participants experienced positive changes in perceptions, behaviors, or gained knowledge and skills through their involvement in project actions.

Summary of bilateral results

During the reporting period, the Norwegian partner, Likestilingssenteret – Centre for Gender Equality, participated in the project''s final seminar online, showcasing best practices in gender equality education from Norway.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.