(Re) Design Affections

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association for the Integrated Development of the City of Ermesinde(PT)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Centre for Gender and Equality(NO)
Other Project Partners
Alfena School Group(PT)
Atlético Clube Alfenense(PT)
Junta de Freguesia de Alfena(PT)
Universidade Lusófona do Porto(PT)


This project will be focused in the intervention from the school context, because we recognize school as a privileged space, by excellence, therefore this initiative involves the challenge of providing a fertile relationship between the space of formal education and, in it, also the dynamization of non-formal education activities. We want that the developing actions to become an apprenticeship to all the intervenients who compound the educational community (students / non-teaching staff / legal guardians) as central figures, highly motivating their participation.  We consider that both educative and familiar space lack of information and, specially, need some basic education tools to understand genre questions, so they will be able to manage children, giving a new approach and empowering them to identify and inequality situations. Regarding the purposes of action of our application that involve primary and secondary prevention actions, we intend that the project “(Re) Design Affections” should involve students from 6 to 18 years old, / non-teaching staff and legal guardians, by the operationalization of (in)formative and animation workshops with a playful-pedagogic component, having as main tool the communication between the different participants, strengthening their abilities to listen and comprehend about areas such as promotion of genre equality, citizenship and domestic abuse prevention. The main purpose if this project will be: involve all the society to increase the importance of eliminating the gender inequalities since childhood until adolescence, through an educational process developed in the school context, extending to the familiar and social environment.

Summary of project results

The project (Re) Design Affections was focused in the intervention in the school context, to promote the importance of eliminating gender inequalities since childhood until adolescence, through an educational process extendend to families and social environment.

  • Developed primary and secondary prevention sessions.

  • Involved students aged between 6 and 18 years old, non-teaching staff and legal guardians using operational, formative and informative training workshops with a ludic-pedagogical component, with communication between students and different participants as the central tool.

  • Reinforced listening and understanding skills in the areas of promoting gender equality, citizenship and non-discrimination, preventing domestic violence.

Development of a program to prevent domestic and gender violence, considering all activities.

Training of 65 professionals (60F and 5M) in the area of preventing domestic and gender violence.

Summary of bilateral results

The Promotor refers a close articulation with the Partner, with 7 workmeetings held (online), where the good practices displayed in the execution of the different actions were widely discussed, as well as shared experiences in the field of gender equality, which contributed to the strengthening of bilateral relations between the countries.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.