Construction of a Job Remuneration Evaluation System in the Collective Agreements (CA) of the Clothing and Leather Industries'' with a view for improving the Quality of Employment and promoting Equality

Project facts

Project promoter:
Federation of Textile, Wool, Clothing, Footwear and Leather Workers'' Unions of Portugal(PT)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
United Federation of Trade Unions(NO)
Other Project Partners
ANIVEC / APIV - National Association of Clothing and Apparel Industries(PT)
APIC - Portuguese Leather Industry Association(PT)
industriAll European Trade Union(BE)


FESETE aims with this project to reinforce the knowledge and capacity of workers and employers organizations through the creation of a system of evaluation of job functions and remunerations for the professional categories of the production area in the clothing and leather sectors, anchored in the methodology of job evaluation without gender bias, with the aim of promoting social dialogue and collective bargaining expurgated from gender pay discrimination and concomitantly, promoting the quality of employment and equal opportunities between women and men. To reach this aim FESETE defined four specific objectives: 1. To create job evaluation indicators for the professional categories of production of the clothing and leather sectors, using the methodology of job evaluation without gender bias; 2. Contribute to the knowledge and information of trade union leaders, union delegates and members of collective bargaining groups, trade union and employer associations, on gender pay discrimination and equal opportunities for women and men; 3. To Disseminate the results of the project with a view of promotion, through collective bargaining at sectoral and company level, of equal opportunities for men and women in the labour market; 4. To contribute, with the support of information and communication technologies, to the dissemination of the project and the sharing of good practices on the theme "equal opportunities for women and men".

Summary of project results

The project aimed to reinforce the knowledge and capacity of workers and employers organizations through the creation of a system of evaluation of job functions and remunerations for the professional categories of the production area in the clothing and leather sectors, anchored in the methodology of job evaluation without gender bias, with the aim of promoting social dialogue and collective bargaining expurgated from gender pay discrimination and concomitantly, promoting the quality of employment and equal opportunities between women and men.

  • Create job evaluation indicators for the professional categories of production of the clothing and leather sectors, using the methodology of job evaluation without gender bias.

  • Contribute to the knowledge and information of trade union leaders, union delegates and members of collective bargaining groups, trade union and employer associations, on gender pay discrimination and equal opportunities for women and men.

  • Disseminate the results of the project with a view of promotion, through collective bargaining at sectoral and company level, of equal opportunities for men and women in the labour market.

  • Contribute, with the support of information and communication technologies, to the dissemination of the project and the sharing of good practices on the theme "equal opportunities for women and men".

Inequalities in the workplace beetween man and women were analysed in 18 companies of the clothing and tanning sectors

2 practical instruments - surveys for assessing functions and remuneration without specific gender bias and adapted to the reality of each of the sectors studied - Textile, Clothing, Footwear and Leather Industries (ITVCC)

Summary of bilateral results

The partner Fellesforbundet accompanied the entire project development process (together with partner IndustriAll).On June 30, 2022, the national partnership held a meeting of the transnational group (activity #6) which was attended by all members of the partnership. In this meeting each partner can share their experiences regarding the project.Although a second meeting of the transnational partnership is planned to deepen the bilateral sharing between the partnership members, the partnership thought that it would be more fruitful for the project that this meeting and the respective bilateral sharing would not be limited to the partnership alone, but could be shared with the entire community affects the clothing and tanning sectors through the seminars that would be held to disseminate the results of the studies.The two international partners were informed and consulted about their availability to participate, not only as participants and agents of dissemination of the results, but as speakers in the two seminars (activity nº 8 and 9) for the dissemination of the results of the two studies.Thus, each one was able to share their experience and work carried out in the context of mitigating inequalities between men and women in the workplace, in the seminars that took place on the 12th and 20th of January 2023, in Guimarães and Alcanena, respectively.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.