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This proposal follows on from the Co-Pesca 1 project which, in 2014-15, assessed and identified the most qualified fisheries to enter into the co-management process in the Peniche-Nazaré axis. The project developed a pre-assessment model to assess the potential and feasibility of implementing marine resource co-management schemes and their replication in other axes of the national territory. This project identified 2 fisheries with the greatest potential for implementation, the harvesting of barnacles from the Berlengas Nature Reserve (whose co-management committee is expected to be formalized by the end of the year), and now the conditions are created to move forward with the participatory process for the Obidos Lagoon.
The Óbidos Lagoon Co-Management project is a continuation of the work that was carried out at the time, thus aiming at the necessary training of fishermen for the successful implementation of co-management in this area.
At the end of the project, it is expected to have a group of fishermen with the necessary skills to start the implementation of a Co-Management Committee.
To achieve its goals, the project will develop a participatory process with resources for interviews, workshops and events that encourage discussion and sharing of experiences.
The project will directly benefit fishermen and entrepreneurs operating in Lagoa de Óbidos.
ANP has extensive experience in the development of these processes, and currently has two ongoing co-management implementation processes: Co-management of Percebe das Berlengas and Co-management of Polvo in the Algarve region. The project team will include members who were involved in the development of these projects, specialists in the development of fisheries co-management processes.
In the end, it is expected to lay the foundations for the implementation of a co-management committee in Lagoa de Óbidos, and that the fishermen gather the necessary skills to integrate and lead this process.