Help our Ocean with 3D printing

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The sea pollution has been a widely debated topic and has gained notoriety and popularity in recent times. The reduction of the ecological footprint of the human being in the seas has been the subject of much controversy, as there are always two strands,  on one hand it is known that the problem exists and there is a will to resolve it and on the other hand the associated costs in capturing residues on the sea surface and the pollution resulting from the same capture process.

This project, is highly innovative national and even international level, aims to be an example for civil society of the real concept of the circular economy. We will use "garbage", plastic from the oceans, to produce new products, giving a new life cycle to the manufactured product.
The project was conceived through the implementation of the newest technology of 3D printing in conjunction with the previously exposed problem present in the maritime sector through the production of diverse material used both by the population and throughout the fishing industry.

In this way, we will not only contribute to the removal of waste from the oceans, but also contribute to the reduction of consumption of "virgin" material.
The project aims to achieve the production of a wide range of products as well as to improve the competitiveness of Portuguese companies, which meet the objectives proposed in the notice.

Regarding the target audience of the project considered that the entire public in general will be considered beneficiaries of this project, both directly and indirectly. On the one hand, we have the final consumer, who may be interested in purchasing all the products produced. In a second point of view, the project will also contribute to a more sustainable development of all marine fauna and flora, which will also contribute to human health through the ingestion of a smaller amount of microplastics present in the fauna and flora captured in the within the food industry.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.