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Illegal, unreported or unregulated (IUU) fishing activities are unsustainable as they harm the ecosystem and the global economy. IUU was estimated to account for nearly 30% of the total catch of global fishing. The Fish2Fork project aims at creating a network of competencies to ease information sharing and cooperation among all Fish sector stakeholders and bring best practices from Norwegian to Portugal and improve fish control process and associated Supply Chain (SC) by the application of new disruptive technologies, such as IoT, AI or blockchain, knowledge dissemination among social networks. Expected impact: International cooperation is considered a tool for raising the quality of the education system. Mobility for teachers and students will contribute to their professional development and improved practices at everyday work to institutional development. Develop lifelong learning to professions already working in the fish sector/supply chain or aiming to work in that area in the future. Major outcomes - 3 new PhD in relevant topics for illegal fish control process, education in Summer Schools with ECTS – Workshops – share information among the sector. Donor project partner will participate in teaching process, PhD supervision, workshop and dissemination process.