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The project will allow the creation of an online and offline certification system for sustainable products from the sea and aquaculture, through the attribution of badges that classify the production process in various dimensions of the product depending on the level of information collected, both by the producer, as well as by other interested parties, such as the consumer. This will generate an open and decentralized market for Transparent and Comprehensive Certification of Sustainable Products and add value to the final consumer and to responsible producers and distributors based on a differentiated experience at the point of consumption (online and offline). Several pilots in the field will be implemented, with regulatory entities as well as with producers, distributors and consumers to digitalize, dematerialize and democratize the process of certification and validation of sustainable products. This will ensure that the agents in the value chain who most adhere to existing good practices are valued, and that obtaining, maintaining and updating those certifications are extremely simple and inexpensive processes as it will take advantage of the systems already in use today, regardless of the size of the producer''s business (thus facilitating access to this market for small producers).
Main activities:
- Development of a decentralized governance model, based on blockchain, in which market agents can operate and interact freely, creating and dematerializing the rules underlying the approved certificates
- Specification and implementation of digital contracts that allow the issuance of certificates related to blue economy
- Incorporation of value chain storytelling into the brand identity
- Tests with partners in the field, creating the first commercial network with three directions: (1) suppliers, distributors, producers; (2) regulators, certifiers; and retailers, online commerce.