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As part of the grant, the Cosmopolitan Foundation plans to undertake the following activities aimed at expanding the organisation''s potential and supporting the target group included in the grant: 1) defining a plan for the management and development of the organisation''s resources by conducting training for its own team (president + 3 volunteers) in the field of raising funds for the development of the foundation and defining fundraising strategies. 2) defining a plan for building the image and communication of the organisation by creating a website and conducting training for its own team (president + 3 volunteers in the field of digital communication and social e-marketing. 3) launching and running in a period of 5 months a ''Language emergency service'' for people at risk of exclusion and socio-professional marginalisation from the city of Krosno and the Krosno county. 4) will conduct language training for groups at risk of socio-professional marginalisation (2 groups of 12 people - Polish language course and 2 group of 12 people - English course). Support will be addressed to people at risk of socio-professional marginalisation belonging to one of the following groups (or more): older people (60+), refugees, single mothers, women experiencing violence, people with disabilities, sexual and ethnic minorities.
Summary of project results
- development of the foundation''s training offer and the scope of support for direct recipients (charity campaigns, collections, social and professional activation)
- providing financing for support in the field of language education for the foundation''s direct recipients
- development of the foundation''s staff in the field of foundraising strategies and social e-marketing
- increasing the recognition of the foundation among potential partners, donors, funders and sponsors - i.e. local entrepreneurs, non-governmental organizations or municipal/state units and institutions.
- obtaining financial resources for activities
- effectively applying for grants and funding from various sources
- expanding the portfolio of local partners among non-governmental organizations and local business
- reaching donors and sponsors interested in supporting our mission and the goal we want to achieve
- increasing the organizational potential of the foundation to reach as many people as possible people needing support
1. Development of competences of the foundation''s staff: Four people from the team participated in two 24-hour training sessions: "E-marketing and digital communication" and "Fundraising strategies for new organizations". These trainings included obtaining external funds, including EU funds, communication with donors and effective promotion on the Internet.
2. Establishing cooperation with regional partners: Six information and promotional meetings were organized in local libraries, associations and Social Integration Centers, during which 85 surveys regarding the educational needs of participants were obtained.
3. Organization of language courses: Four groups of language courses were created: two in Polish and two in English, each numbering 12 people, which included a total of 48 participants. Attendance lists, meeting schedules and final tests for participants were prepared.
4. Creation of the "Language Emergency Service": A language support platform was created, used by 107 people, offering assistance in current problems related to insufficient knowledge of Polish and English.
5. Development of online presence: The foundation''s website and Facebook fanpage were created, which increased its visibility and enabled better communication with recipients.
Project results:
- Strengthening the competences of the foundation''s staff: The acquired knowledge allows for more effective fundraising and promotion of activities on the Internet.
- Expansion of the cooperation network: Long-term contacts were established with six institutions bringing together the target recipients of the foundation''s activities.
- Increasing the language competences of participants: 48 people at risk of social exclusion acquired language skills, increasing their chances of employment and better social integration.
- Ongoing language support: Thanks to the "Language Emergency Service", 107 people received help in everyday situations requiring knowledge of Polish.
The main beneficiaries of our grant were mainly refugees from Ukraine, the Polish language course was attended by 24 people from Ukraine (12 per group), English - 16 people - 8, the remaining people were retirees, pers. disabled, long-term unemployed. and in the Language Emergency Service 106 people, a total of 146 people from Ukraine.
1. Polish language course, basic level - 12 people.
2. Polish language course, intermediate level - 12 people.
3. English course, basic level - 12 people. 3. English course, intermediate level - 12 people.
4. Language Emergency Service - 107 people
The above data was provided on the basis of lists of participants, forms and attendance lists. during classes and protocols. The changes are mostly visible immediately - in the case of the Language Emergency Service, because they managed to solve a specific problem, e.g. renting an apartment or enrolling a child in kindergarten. In the case of language courses, the change was the acquisition of knowledge, which was confirmed by a pretest, i.e. tests written by participants before starting the courses, and a posttest, i.e. tests written after completing the courses - we can see an increase in the knowledge acquired by the participants, which will translate into better functioning in life and work. Grant was not implemented with major changes.