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The ''Let''s be eco(logical)!'' initiative is the result of educational meetings we have held with children and young people in schools and kindergartens in the City of Toruń. Low level of knowledge about food waste and the concept of zero waste among young residents of Toruń reinforces our conviction that this topic is an important element of our mission. Poland and other European Union countries have been obliged to reduce food waste by 50% by 2030. In order to achieve this goal, many institutions and organisations need to join efforts. Therefore, we also want to invite other actors to cooperate, e.g. involve representatives of the district councils of the City of Toruń in the process of building an eatery. We will use the grant to strengthen the capacity of the organisation and to implement initiatives aimed at preventing food waste. We develop the competences of the organisation''s board by participating in training on fundraising, communication and promotion on social media. We develop a fundraising strategy for the organisation. In cooperation with at least two district councils in the city of Toruń, we analyse local policies against food waste and launch a community eatery. We will prepare an analysis report with recommendations and submit it to the Council of the City of Toruń.
Summary of project results
The project we implemented was a response to the problem of food waste in our city of Toruń. The main assumption of the project was to educate residents about food waste and to take active measures to counteract this phenomenon. The main area of activity was practical cooperation with representatives of two city district councils in order to build and launch a soup kitchen, as well as support in the analysis of local documents/policies regarding the issue of food waste and city remedial actions in this area. The second area of the project included the institutional development of our organization. In order to strengthen our organizational potential, we have planned activities to support the management process as well as activities in the area of promotion and communication.
The foundation''s management board has undergone a number of trainings/workshops on SM communication, fundraising and legal issues. Of particular importance to us was the process of building the organization''s development strategy, which allowed us to redefine our mission and goals and plan our development path for the next two years. As a result of the activities carried out, the assumed project goals were achieved. The foundation''s management board developed a strategic document and completed all expected training, thereby improving its management competences, strengthening communication skills and starting to implement knowledge in the field of fundraising. The launch of the soup kitchen and its construction supports the inhabitants of Toruń in the process of sharing surplus food, introduces social responsibility for the above-mentioned tool and also initiates self-help activities.
The report, which was created thanks to project funds, is a reliable document indicating the city''s lack of action to avoid food waste. In the foundation''s opinion, the grant contributed to increasing the awareness and involvement of Toruń''s inhabitants in the area of not wasting food and using the soup kitchen tool. The funds granted undoubtedly improved the competences of the management board and provided support in building its institutional base.