Trakt Warecki - intervention for the environment and the community

Project facts

Project promoter:
Local Tourist Organisation ""Gateway to the Eastern Carpathians""(PL)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:


The aim of the project is to initiate a dialogue between stakeholders and the local community in order to strengthen the existing activities for the Warka Route. This is a road located in the Chojnów Landscape Park, running through a protected area, valuable for its nature and important for local identity. According to the Park''s conservation plan, the Warka Route serves as a local ecological corridor.
In the autumn of 2022, the Route was covered with asphalt and adapted to serve as a collector road, with negative environmental consequences. During the design of the road, community protests were ignored and no environmental impact assessment of the investment was carried out. A former traditional tourist trail has been transformed into a busy road, posing a danger to local residents. It is feared that the investment will continue, with plans to extend it to other sections of the Route, including areas of the reserve and the Natura 2000 site. Our motivation for intervening to reduce and slow down traffic on the Warka Route is concern for the safety of residents, tourists and local fauna.
Our aim is to establish a dialogue with institutional stakeholders, such as local authorities or the Park management, and residents on the future of the Route. We also want to increase public pressure on the county authorities by promoting solutions that will improve safety for all traffic participants and benefit the environment. As part of the project, we are carrying out specialised analyses and developing recommendations to reduce traffic on the the Warka Route. We are also organising educational walks, online meetings and public debates for residents of the Piaseczno municipality. We also plan to prepare and submit a petition.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.