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Summary of project results
The project aimed to stimulate the activity of children and youth from the Suchy Las commune, showing that agency also applies to young people. The second component of the project was to stimulate social activity of all age groups, civic education in local areas, education about participation tools and the influence that residents have to co-create modern local government. The project also assumed competence development of the organization
The project included an opening civic picnic, training in soft skills and strengthening groups of young people from the Suchy Las commune. Oxford debates, meetings with politicians and local government officials. A youth study visit took place. Four participatory breakfasts were organized.
School budgets were organized in 5 schools in our commune.
Leaflets, brochures, posts, films and articles educating about active citizen attitudes were published.
As part of institutional development, training was held for our organization.
The project included an evaluation, which resulted in a report
The main project consisted of the following components:
Providing support and training to a group of young people - the group consisted of 16 people
Carrying out school budgets along with civic education in 5 school institutions in our commune - the group of recipients are school communities (approximately 4,000 people)
Components addressed to the entire local community (picnic, participatory breakfasts) - number of people approximately 1,000
The reach of posts, articles and videos as part of the educational campaign is approximately 8,000
Institutional development concerned our organization - 9 people