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In our project we would like to draw the attention of local authorities, institutions and the whole community to the important issue of mental health of children and young people. Young people up to the age of 18 often do not receive direct psychological support or do not have sufficient knowledge of the available forms of support in the Radom County. As part of the project, in cooperation with people representing various backgrounds, we are carrying out a diagnosis of mental disorders of children and young people up to the age of 18, and preparing a civic programme for the promotion of mental health and prevention of mental disorders of children and young people in the Radom County. The need for the project stems from the deteriorating mental state of children and young people, to which the COVID-19 pandemic has largely contributed. According to data from the National Police Headquarters, 1369 cases of suicide attempts among children and adolescents were registered in Poland in 2021, almost twice as many as in 2020 (736 cases). These are extremely worrying figures. Participants in the project''s participatory activities include people from NGOs working with children and adolescents, employees of municipal social welfare centres, the County Centre for Family Support and local governments, as well as parents of emotionally disturbed children, teachers, educators, psychologists from schools and Psychological-Pedagogical Clinics, psychiatrists and adolescents. The project leader is the KAS Association and the partner is the Latorośl Association.
Summary of project results
The aim of the project was to actively involve the local community in the work of a participatory team whose task was to develop a civic Program for the Promotion of Mental Health and Prevention of Mental Disorders for children/adolescents up to 18 years of age. in Radom County Key challenges that the project responded to: Lack of involvement of the local community (parents/guardians, NGOs, local leaders, local government institutions) in building a civic program for the promotion of mental health and prevention of mental disorders in children and adolescents. Low level of activation and involvement of the local community in joint activities for children and adolescents with mental disorders. Insufficient involvement of local media in informing residents about the scale of the problem and available forms of support. The project increased the visibility of the problem in the media and promoted available forms of help. There is no reliable information on the scale of the problem of mental disorders in children and adolescents in the Radom district. Lack of a program/action plan involving NGOs, local government institutions, parents/guardians, teachers and young people in activities to promote mental health and prevent mental disorders. Lack of a local strategy to prevent the negative effects of mental illness on children and adolescents.
As part of the project, we carried out a number of activities aimed at increasing awareness of the mental health of children and adolescents in the Radom district and involving the local community in activities to improve this situation. We organized a social campaign that reached direct recipients (children and young people with mental problems and their families) and indirect recipients (teachers, health care workers, local government representatives). The campaign included, among others: broadcasting paid radio spots (30 seconds) on Radio Radom and publishing 10 articles on the Your Radom portal. Additionally, we conducted 3 interviews with mental health specialists, which were published on social media. We held an information meeting attended by 60 people. The meeting aimed to increase awareness of health problems of children and adolescents and to encourage active participation in activities to improve them. We organized two participatory meetings attended by people involved in the problem of mental health of children and adolescents. During the meetings, we formed one participatory team whose task was to develop a needs diagnosis and develop an action program. Then, two follow-up meetings were held to refine the research questionnaires and consult the program design. We carried out a diagnosis of mental health problems among young people under 18 years of age in the Radom district. We have developed a Citizens'' Program for the promotion of mental health and prevention of mental disorders in children and adolescents. We organized a conference on "The support system for children with mental disorders in the Radom district", which was an opportunity to spread knowledge about psychoeducation and support the mental health of children and adolescents.
The development of a diagnosis of mental disorders and the Citizens'' Program for the promotion of mental health can be continued and implemented as part of a long-term social strategy. Promotional and educational campaigns initiated as part of the project will be continued to continue reaching the local community with important information about mental health and the prevention of mental disorders in children and adolescents.