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In this project we want to collect and disseminate stories and experiences of people who are at risk of social maladjustment or exclusion. The project is addressed to 100 children and youth from Child Care Centres, Youth Education and Sociotherapeutic Centres in the West Pomerania Province, 30 inmates of the Koszalin Inspectorate of Prison Service and 160 homeless people from the Caritas shelters in the Archdiocese of Szczecin-Kamień. The need for the project is indicated by studies of the Public Opinion Research Centre, the Statistics Poland and the Prison Service. The reasons for social exclusion include: lack of education, lack of employment and poverty (these 3 factors determined the selection of project beneficiaries). The risk of poverty for minors is about 21%. Ex-prisoners are 18% of those who have the hardest life. Prisoners are in 50% not employed or unpaid, with primary or, more rarely, vocational education. Homeless people make up 24% of the hardest hit. They are mostly people aged 65+, unemployed, socially inactive, with basic level of education. As part of the project, we want to change the stereotypical and harmful perception of such people in society. We want to make the society aware that the problem of losing family, home or freedom may affect each of us. We will carry out 90 animation meetings, inspired by movies, during which we will strengthen the potential and develop the artistic skills of the participants, and help them rebuild their self-esteem. We will collect and present the stories of the project participants in the form of a movie, 3 radio plays and 3 multimedia stories.
Summary of project results
The founding of the OFFicyna Association - the originator and main implementer of the "Knock, knock!" project. We are here” - and the main challenge was to show society that the problem of losing family, freedom and finding oneself in a homelessness crisis may concern each of us, and the basic needs of the participants of the “Knock, knock! "We are here" (children and young people from orphanages and sociotherapeutic and educational institutions, incarcerated people or people in crisis of homelessness) do not differ from our needs. “Knock, knock! "We are here" was intended to break stereotypes about socially excluded people, it was also intended to introduce positive change and create acceptance for people from these communities among the general public. Moreover, we tried to respond to the needs of the above-mentioned. project participants, including: the need to work on self-esteem or develop cultural and social competences. We developed the artistic skills of the project participants, helped them recognize their own emotions and appropriately name and express them. We also worked on reducing high levels of trait anger and developing entrepreneurial behaviors.
During the implementation of the project, we conducted 114 animation meetings in the area of new media, inspired by films (64 activities for children and teenagers, 50 for adults and seniors). These included fairy tale and film therapies, film workshops, "From thoughts to film" workshops, film screenings with film discussion clubs, "Life - Your Script" and "Film Academy of Reportage" workshops, and entrepreneurship workshops. As a result, the participants shared with us their autobiographical stories, on the basis of which a film was created ("Power" directed by M. Frymus, photos by Ł. Nyks - made with young people), three radio plays ("Conference with a Convict", "Confession of an Alcoholic " and "I don''t love you" - adults, incarcerated people) and three multimedia stories broadcast on broadband (created with seniors and people in crisis of homelessness "I never love you" I give up”, “The worst year of my life”, “Life is not theater”). These stories contributed to changing the stereotypical perception of these people in society. Moreover, for the needs of the project, its Fanpage was created: and website:, training was also conducted for the project staff in the field of good governance: openness, transparency, effectiveness and economy; employee equality policy, equal opportunities for women and men; sustainable development; effective forms of communication and fairy tale and film therapy. Equipment for film and multimedia projections was also purchased.
The project “Knock, knock! "We are here" was a project of the OFFicyna Association, involving unique people living in unique circumstances in the culture: 140 children and youth from 5 care and educational facilities of the Child Care Center in Szczecin, youth educational and sociotherapeutic centers in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship; 23 people incarcerated in the Koszalin district of the Inspectorate of the Prison Service and 130 people in crisis of homelessness from Caritas shelters in the Archdiocese of Szczecin-Kamienska. We worked together with the participants of the workshops and screenings to strengthen their resources and artistic abilities, as well as rebuild their self-esteem. As a result of the project, we observed an increase in children and youth''s artistic competences in the field of new media, an increase in sensitivity to the needs of others, strengthening group bonds and developing the ability to cooperate with respect for the rules and autonomy of others, as well as the ability to build a positive self-image. Children and adolescents also developed the ability to deal with emotions, name feelings and emotions, distinguish them, ask about them, and provide emotional support. Self-esteem and self-esteem increased. In adults, however, work on the ability to perceive the values of goodness, truth and beauty has increased, and, similarly to children and adolescents, the ability to deal with emotions, name feelings and emotions and distinguish them. In adults, we have also developed the ability to confront our own experience with the situation of the characters in the presented films, we have developed the ability to clearly present our opinions and provide feedback to other participants, respecting their opinions and choices, and the ability to present our goals.