More information
The project responds to the urgent needs of people evacuated from Afghanistan to Poland as part of the government’s operation. The Centre for Foreigners in Grupa near Grudziądz currently houses 188 people, including 58 women, 57 men and 73 children (this is the largest number of people of all centres in Poland). People staying in the Centre need access to information on the procedure for granting the refugee status, their rights and obligations, life in Poland after receiving international protection, including the individual integration programme. Translation from Dari is also needed as well as support in contacts with schools and other local institutions. Information on refugee procedures or post-decision assistance is usually provided by the Office for Foreigners, but this only applies to centres run by the Office and not to those run by private entities, such as the centre in Grupa. The diagnosis of the needs of refugees after receiving international protection results from ten years of our experience in supporting refugees in Poland. The most important needs include, among others: support in finding and renting an accommodation, paying the rent, obtaining resistence permit, registering at the District Employment Office, contacting family assistance centres and applying for the individual integration programme. Within the project we will provide refugees with access to information on the procedure for granting international protection and individual integration programmes. We will also offer legal counselling, translation services as well as support in adaptation, integration and cooperation with local institutions. The project will be implemented from 1 November 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022.
Summary of project results
The "Guest at Home" project was a response to the needs of people evacuated from Afghanistan to Poland by the government, who were staying in centers for foreigners in Poland. Due to the fact that the Emic Foundation is based in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship, most of the direct recipients of the project are residents of the center for foreigners in the Group near Grudziądz.
The evacuated people flew to Poland practically without any plan or information regarding further steps in the procedure for granting international protection. A big challenge was to meet the expectations that the Emic Foundation would provide free apartments or a special integration offer. The first, most urgent material needs were met by organizing material collections by the Emic Foundation in cooperation with the Immigrant Support Center and the Grudziądz Civic Association and other organizations, informal groups and individuals.
The next step was to provide minimal tools to facilitate the adaptation of foreigners during the procedure for granting refugee status and effective integration after receiving international protection. The scope and budget of the project did not allow it to be implemented in a comprehensive manner. However, the use of grassroots, civic energy combined with lobbying at the institutional level made it possible to provide housing and work for a total of over 100 people. A huge part of the work was coordinating volunteers, exchanging information, and matching support people with people looking for support. The main concept adopted at the beginning of the project was the use of civic, activist energy in the absence of action on the part of institutions and local administration.
The main activities carried out in the project are:
- ensuring access to information during the procedure for granting international protection in the territory of the Republic of Poland and individual programs
- providing access to legal advice,
- translations,
- adaptive support,
- integration support,
- cooperation with institutions.
Total number of people involved in activities: 100 people
Number of information meetings: 3
Number of lawyer shifts: 16
Number of recipients of translator support: 30
Number of institutions with which cooperation was established under the project: 8
Number of volunteers involved in supporting refugees: 10
Number of material and financial collections organized for refugees: 4
Number of press releases: 8
Number of working hours of the adaptation specialist: 240
Number of working hours of the integration activities specialist: 320
Number of lawyer''s working hours: 168
Number of translator''s working hours: 56
Number of working hours of communication specialists: 288
Key results:
- 100 people with refugee experience found their new home in Poland in cities such as: Toruń, Bydgoszcz, Gdańsk, Gdynia,
Wrocław, Warsaw or Katowice;
- 100 people benefited from legal support provided during 16 lawyer shifts at the Group''s center;
- as part of the project, we cooperated with several institutions and non-governmental organizations from all over Poland;
- a total of 874 people - volunteers - were involved in the action.
The main and key result of the project is finding and providing several apartments for refugee families in various cities in Poland. These are
apartments on preferential terms, with rent below market rates. Some apartments were donated by private individuals, including:
In some cases, settlement with owners is similar to that in the case of supported housing. When it comes to stock housing
municipal, rates are determined by local governments.
The added value is obtaining job offers for refugees from Afghanistan. Taking up a job allows you to function partially independently in Poland.
Permanent activities, e.g. lawyer''s duties, were carried out as planned.