The digital citizen is sweeping the Internet

Project facts

Project promoter:
Pro Culture Foundation(PL)
Project Number:
Final project cost:


The project is addressed to children and young people. Our charges are at risk of social maladjustment and have different, sometimes difficult personal experiences. We would like to help them gain and develop media literacy, that is considered to be one of the most important competences in the 21st century. Observations of social trends as well as studies (including our research) confirm that children are spending more and more time on the Internet. According to the report ‘Teenagers and the Internet’, 86.2% of teenagers use the Internet daily and 43.2% are online all the time. Unfortunately, their media literacy is low. The interviews conducted show that young people have significant difficulties in reading with comprehension, separating facts from opinions, as well as recognising and verifying media content. They fail to notice the mechanisms of media persuasion, manipulation and disinformation. They are impressed by the lifestyle created in social media, which results in information confusion, disturbed self-esteem and unrealistic expectations of themselves and others. Thanks to the project, young people will learn critical thinking (understanding, analysing, evaluating information) and creating media messages in various forms. This will allow them to actively participate not only in social and cultural life, but also in civic life, and will prevent their digital exclusion. As part of the project we will conduct a three-semester in-depth course for children and young people, trainings for the staff of educators and meetings for parents. We will organise a conference at the end of the project, during which the final report will be presented. We will prepare a special, unique educational programme and materials. The whole process will be evaluated. The direct beneficiaries of the project will be 80 people, but with the information about the project we plan to reach as many as 1500 people.

Summary of project results

The project of the Pro Cultura Foundation and the Youth Sociotherapy Center "Jedruś" (MOS) focused on a group of children and youth at risk of exclusion and their media competences (media literacy - considered one of the most important competences in the 21st century). Media competences, including the ability to think critically (understand, analyze, evaluate) and consciously shape one''s image online, are important not only in the context of general education, but also on the way to becoming an informed citizen.
Shortcomings in the above-mentioned topics are shown by nationwide research, trends, e.g. the amount of time spent on the Internet, lack of criticism regarding the content viewed, the growing popularity of patho-streaming, lack of knowledge about online safety, as well as surveys conducted before the implementation of the project at MOS "Jedruś".
The problem was reported by the management of the "Jędruś" Community Center, which houses children who have problems with learning and functioning in a standard school due to various behavioral and developmental disorders (e.g. dyslexia, ADHD, school phobia, Asperger''s, etc.). Observations of students made by teaching staff confirm that developing media competences among this group of children is particularly important because, due to their deficits, they have special needs related to areas such as communication and critical thinking, as well as safe and conscious use of the Internet.
Teachers emphasized that the topic of students'' conscious use of digital technologies in the context of preventive and civic activities is insufficiently included in the core curriculum. From the survey conducted. among students shows that they have particular deficits in the areas of recognizing and unconsciously spreading fake news (70%) and disinformation (65%). 60% of them have encountered situations on the Internet that have been humiliated, ridiculed, insulted or shared false information about themselves or their friends in the last year. 50% had contact with pathological content.

One project partnership was established, connecting the NGO with a budgetary, educational unit.
The project included a 3-semester, in-depth course for children and teenagers, training for MOS staff, as well as materials and meetings for parents. The partners purchased equipment for classes and work.

30 people were recruited and took part in activities for children/young people. 112 hours of classes with young people were prepared and implemented, as well as 40 hours of mentoring in the form of individual/small group meetings, for a total of 30 people.
Work with youth, carried out in the form of extracurricular activities, was based on a long-term, process approach, establishing closer relationships with the group, creating a safe educational situation, which also allowed for the inclusion of important elements of civic and social education. The workshops were supplemented by mentoring - additional individual or small group meetings.
Activities for young people, in addition to learning digital skills (photography, filming, recording podcasts), brought social benefits such as learning to cooperate with others, better expressing emotions, safe conversations on various topics and freely expressing one''s opinion without fear of criticism.

45 staff members took part in the educational support offered. The needs of the "Jędruś" MOS staff were examined and a training plan was prepared - online and stationary, as well as consulting, a total of 30 hours of classes.
Classes for MOS "Jędruś" staff, carried out online as needed, concerned difficult situations in working with young people, responding to threats arising from electronic media, identifying and dealing with the so-called Fake news, as well as the use of elements of theater pedagogy in work at the Center.

A 3-hour workshop for parents was conducted, an information stand was held during the event at the school, 10 consultation topics were offered, and printed materials were prepared and distributed.

Foundation TEAM
8 people participated in various forms of improving qualifications.

For Project Promoter and partner:

The project supplemented the MOS activities with an important aspect of work, being in line with educational and educational goals and touching on topics that are not included in the core curriculum.
Both project partners highly appreciated the cooperation within the project and gained knowledge about the functioning of their sectors.
The Pro Cultura Foundation received comprehensive institutional support for the project, as well as the opportunity to purchase equipment and training for the Foundation''s team. The project motivated us to plan the improvement of the team''s competences.

Foe YOUNG PEOPLE - students of older grades of the MOS "Jędruś" primary school
The evaluation of the classes shows that activities related to digital media are important and have the potential to attract young people. Participation in the project brought technical benefits to the youth, such as learning how to use photographic equipment and the ability to create good quality photos, and also contributed to increasing their knowledge of taking care of their image on the Internet and using new technologies. The vast majority of students (over 80%) assessed the classes positively. Many emphasized the opportunity to develop their interests and the fact that the classes were practical and engaging.
Youth noticed improvement in communication skills, both in expressing thoughts and in listening and understanding other people. Participation in the classes had a positive impact on the self-esteem and self-confidence of the participants, who noticed that they were good at something and derived joy from it.

For MOS "Jędruś" staff
The classes were more popular than we expected. The online formula allowed us to expand the group to include everyone interested. The classes were described as useful, interesting and bringing a new perspective. The staff also benefited from purchased equipment and support in its use.


Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.