By acting TOGETHER – We achieve MORE – stage II – shaping the local policy in tourism

Project facts

Project promoter:
Tourism Forum of the Regions(PL)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences(NO)


The aim of the project is to increase civic involvement at the local level through participatory intersectoral cooperation between self-governments, NGOs, entrepreneurs and inhabitants in the development of two local policies in the area of tourism for the Sławno County and the Szczecin Metropolitan Area. The project is implemented in cooperation with a partner from Norway - Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, a public institution of higher education. The problem we are addressing is the low level of local partnership and participative cooperation in the tourism sector. There is also a lack of documents defining local policies in this area. In the second stage of the project we will implement ‘The model of cooperation for self-governments and NGOs in tourism sector’ described in the Guidebook on self governments – NGO cooperation in tourism sector, that we developed in the first stage. Within the project we will organise two conferences (in Darłowo and Szczecin), initiating project activities. There will be training-consulting workshop for local leaders as well as study visits: in Poland and in Norway. We will carry out a participatory process of developing local tourism policies. Direct project beneficiaries are residents of two partner regions: Sławno County and Szczecin Metropolitan Area, in particular representatives of municipalities, NGO activists, as well as entrepreneurs. Our Norwegian partner, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), will provide the persons involved in the project with knowledge and good practice examples from Norway, where the system of cooperation in creating and implementing local tourism policies has a long tradition.

Summary of project results

The problem was the low level of local partnership and participatory cooperation (LGUs-NGOs-entrepreneurs-residents) in the tourism sector. At the same time, there were no documents defining local policies dedicated to the tourism sector. We aimed to increase civic engagement at the local level through participatory inter-sectoral cooperation (LGUs, NGOs, entrepreneurs, residents) in developing two local tourism policies.

As part of the project, the following were undertaken: actions
• conferences: initiating and ending activities
• training for local leaders
• participatory process of preparing local tourism policies
• study trips: domestic and to a partner from Norway
• communication and dissemination activities
• own institutional strengthening

All planned project activities were implemented in accordance with the assumptions and were well received by the project participants.

Particularly noteworthy is the participation of the partner from Norway, represented by prof. Ove Oklevik - an experienced lecturer and creator of the development of the tourism sector in the Bergen region - Norway.

Thanks to cooperation with a partner from Norway, we were able to familiarize ourselves with the cooperation system operating in Norway and their many years of experience in this field during training and online meetings and in person during a study trip.

The national study trip to Poznań and contacts with the Poznań Local Tourist Organization - currently the leading organization of this type in Poland - also provided valuable information and experience.

During the implementation of the project, communication activities were constantly carried out using the website, social networking sites and a special series of newsletters, as well as articles published in the tourism industry media, which allowed for the dissemination of both the idea of ​​cooperation and the effects of activities carried out as part of the project.

As a result of the entire cycle of activities, status reports were created for the tourism sector in both areas covered by project support, as well as two studies on local tourism policies with recommendations for future activities.

Project activities provided support both for partners and generally for tourism sector entities from the Sławno district and the Szczecin metropolitan area. They improved their activity by providing them with knowledge and experience in the standards of the "MODEL of cooperation for local government units and NGOs in the tourism sector" and including these aspects in the process of developing their local tourism policies.

Thanks to the training, the level of knowledge and awareness among local leaders in both areas increased. During workshop meetings and consultations, representatives of local tourism communities from both the public and economic sectors could learn about modern trends in inter-sectoral cooperation and had the opportunity to submit their comments and suggestions in the area of ​​creating local tourism policies.

Thanks to the project, the process of implementing the LGU-NGO cooperation MODEL in the tourism sector in the practice of Local Tourism Policies began, thus influencing systemic changes in democratic culture and civic involvement at the local level.

The entire cycle of project activities has strengthened the cooperation of tourism sector entities, and the developed materials and recommendations for local tourism policies and cooperation in the long-term context will have a positive impact on mutual understanding and inter-sectoral cooperation skills.

The project activities also had a positive impact on the applicant''s institutional development in the area of ​​fundraising and knowledge in the areas of: effective communication and interpersonal relations, law and principles of organizing integration meetings.

Summary of bilateral results

The partner from the Donor States was a partner from Norway - Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) - a university educating staff and conducting research, among others. in the area of ​​the tourism sector.The scope of bilateral cooperation began with mutual acquaintance and presentation of our own activities, which constituted the basis for subsequent activities. Partner''s representative prof. Ove Oklevik - a lecturer and researcher at this university, conducted a lecture via the Internet and then discussion during a workshop training for local leaders of both areas covered by project activities. During the analysis of the state and the preparation of reports and development of local policies, he supported us with his experience, pointing out areas that were particularly important for creating local policy and conditions of cooperation in this area.A program was prepared together and on September 13-18, 2022, a study trip to the Norwegian project partner was organized using bus and air transport. As planned, a group of 8 people took part in the trip, four people from each area covered by the project activities. The destination was the city of Bergen and the surrounding area. The aim of the trip was to directly become acquainted with Norwegian experiences and good practices. The participants held a number of meetings and conversations with representatives of local organizations undertaking activities similar to our ROT and LOT, representatives of the region''s authorities as well as industry organizations and economic entities. Meetings were also held with local authorities and entities managing tourism in this region of Norway. The final effect of this action is to be the transfer of Norwegian good practices to Poland and the establishment and strengthening of cooperation with partners from Norway.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.