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The project addresses the phenomenon of light smog, which is not yet a well-recognised issue in the Podkarpackie Region and in Poland as a whole. However, light pollution has a damaging effect on the development of species as well as on life of animals and people. What is more, energy consumption on unnecessary lighting contributes to climate change. The aim of the project is to support civic activities for the protection of the night environment from pollution caused by artificial light. We will conduct thematic webinars and create a film dedicated to the idea of the ecology of the night. We will organise a photo competition to capture the problem of sky pollution by artificial light. We will conduct workshops on documenting light pollution and training on legal aspects related to the protection of the night sky. As a result of the project the Guardians of Dark Sky will be appointed, i.e. a group of about 30 people in the Podkarpackie Region, who will monitor and signal to local authorities and media the problems of progressive light pollution. Direct beneficiaries of the project activities are the participants of the workshops, training, webinars and a photo competition. They are inhabitants of the Podkarpackie Region, mainly young people. Indirect beneficiaries are the residents of the localities where the project''s events will take place, as well as local governments, NGOs from the region and nature protection institutions. The project partner, Non-investment fund Teleskop from Snina in Slovakia, deals with monitoring of light pollution in the Dark Sky Park Połoniny in Slovakia. The project runs from December 1, 2021 to September 30, 2022.
Summary of project results
The project dealt with the following problems, in particular:
- low awareness of the problem of environmental pollution with artificial light and low motivation of local government employees to solve it;
- stereotypes among residents related to the desire to illuminate everything possible and sometimes forcing unnecessary lighting investments on the local government - e.g. illuminating streets as well as monuments and public facilities with colored lights all night long, including in naturally valuable areas.
-difficulties in documenting artificial light pollution, because photos and videos must be taken in difficult lighting and observation conditions (the human eye does not always notice pollution);
- little knowledge among residents about the possibilities of influencing planning documents and methods of intervention in local government or the media (ignorance of the law, procedures and ways of working of these institutions)
The most important project activities:
1. Thematic workshops for guardians of the dark sky:
2 workshops on documenting artificial light pollution - night photography and filming.
1 workshop on preparing (assembly) materials for publication and publishing the results of guard activities in the media
1 training on legal aspects related to the protection of dark skies against artificial light pollution and on procedures for submitting demands to local authorities as part of interventions and strategic documents.
1 summative training.
2. Press and information conference.
3. Organization of 2 thematic webinars.
4. A film promoting the issue of artificial light pollution.
5. A photography competition whose aim was to capture the problem of artificial light pollution in photographs.
The products implemented in the project are:
-5 thematic workshops/trainings attended by a total of 31 people, including 2 people from the association
-2 publications:
leaflet on artificial light pollution – 2,000 pcs.
publication summarizing the implementation of the project entitled "Guardians of the Dark Sky". Mintage: 120 pcs.
- promotional campaign - photo competition - 45 people participated, including 23 minors,
-2 cooperating social organizations, the Horyzonty Association and the Teleskop Fund
-1 page about the project on Facebook
-1 subpage about the project on the Association''s home page.
-2 webinars:
1- Documenting the state of the night sky.
2 - Artificial light pollution and possibilities of reducing it.
-1 photo book - containing mostly photos of competition and workshop participants. Edition 60 pcs.
A total of 96 people took part in educational activities in the area of civil rights, civic activity and conscious use of media.
The most important benefit already achieved is increasing the knowledge and improving the skills of project training participants. They learned more about the problem of artificial light pollution and improved their technical skills related to nature and landscape photography, night photography, including photography of artificial light pollution.
An additional benefit is establishing contacts and exchanging experiences, as well as establishing cooperation in other fields.
The benefit for the local community is informing a large group of residents of the region about the problem of artificial light pollution.
The benefit for the Horyzonty association is the establishment of cooperation with a large group of local and national experts and workshop participants,
and greater recognition among the local community of the Podkarpacie region, as well as among local governments and local media.