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This project aims at the empowerment of people aged 60+ living in the Podkarpackie Province, particularly in the city and the rural municipality of Dębica, as well as equalizing opportunities for them through educational, advisory, sports and cultural activities. Older people are socially excluded or marginalized due to negative stereotypes concerning their professional and social activity. They are treated as infirm and dependent persons. They feel unnecessary, which makes them drop out of social and professional life. Participation in the project will help the elderly overcome obstacles that prevent them from developing passions, interests, and hinder their physical and professional activity. We will provide counseling for older people, carry out sessions with a vocational counselor, and purchase them tickets to a swimming pool, gym, cinema and theater. We will conduct trainings in the fields of digital education, first aid, senior care and COVID-19 prevention for volunteers engaged in the project. The elderly will receive assistance from lawyers, counselors, an employment agent, and a psychologist. Thanks to this project the feeling of loneliness and social isolation of seniors will decrease, as well as their digital exclusion. They will spend their time more actively, their ability to function independently will improve and their motivation to seek employment will increase.
Summary of project results
The main goal of the project "Senior young at heart!" was to strengthen a group of 200 seniors (persons 60+) from the province. Podkarpackie, especially from the city of Dębica and the commune of Dębica (based on place of residence in accordance with the Civil Code) and equalizing their opportunities through the implementation of educational, advisory, sports and cultural activities, digital inclusion and selection of min. 20 volunteers by the end of November 2023 - goal achieved. The project was a response to the problems of diagnosis. in the group of seniors, which is excluded and marginalized also by the still existing stereotypes regarding professional and social activity. Seniors are often considered infirm and dependent. In fact, it''s the stereotypes that lead to this. to seniors falling into stagnation and resignation. from social life and professionals Participation in the project helped seniors overcome financial barriers related to developing passions, interests, physical and professional activity. Seniors received help from a lawyer, a career advisor, a job agent and a psychologist.
Old age is the last stage of our lives. This stage does not have to mean a decline in life activity, loneliness, infirmity and illness, on the contrary, the period of old age should be a time of active pursuit of one''s passions and unrealized dreams. By participating in the project, seniors could strengthen bonds in establishing social contacts, satisfy their own ambitions, fill their free time usefully and actively, continue and arouse their interests, improve their mental and physical condition, gain free access to cultural events, improve their knowledge about the labor market and obtaining additional financial resources for the household budget, were digitally included.
1. Number of people aged 60+ - 200 people, 2. Number of people for which IPD was created - 200 people, 3. Number of services in the labor market - 100 services, 4. FIRST AID TRAINING -20, 5. Purchase of social services 3718.5 services, 6. Number of sports services for seniors - 2389 ,5 services: trips to the swimming pool from 08.22. to 11.23 - 797.5 services, gymnastics group I - 25 UP x 39 h = 975 services, gymnastics group II - 25 UP x 39 h = 975 services.
7. Number of educational services:
- theoretical educational services – 300 services:
- practical educational services – 327 services
8. Number of cultural services - 379 services (379 tickets), 9. Number of advisory and advisory services - psychological support - 100 services, 10. Number of advisory and advisory services - legal support - 40 services, 11. Supporting less independent seniors - coach''s care personal fitness trainer 100, 12. Transport to services – 13, 13. Purchase of digital inclusion services – 50, 14. Purchase of advertisements in the press – 10, 15. Number of page likes – 217, 16. Number of page followers – 226, 17. Number of posters 200, 18. Number of purchased 400, 19. Number of conferences organized 10, 21. Purchase of information brochures 200
22. Creation of a project subpage 1, 23. Facebook profile 1, 24. Organization of information and promotional meetings 3
25. Number of people who will take up employment - 10 people.
The implementation of the project allows for an increase in the number, types and forms of classes that seniors could benefit from. The activity of people aged 60+ was possible by increasing access to social services, including labor market, educational, cultural, sports and advisory services. The project was a response to the problems diagnosed in the group of seniors, which is excluded and marginalized also by the still existing stereotypes regarding professional and social activity. A senior is considered a disabled and dependent person. In fact, it is stereotypes that have led seniors to fall into stagnation and give up social life. and professionals Participation in the project helped seniors overcome financial barriers related to developing passions, interests, physical and professional activity. Seniors will receive help from lawyers, advisors, an employment agent and a psychologist. Project activities were tailored to the problems and needs of older people in difficult situations, in particular with the digital inclusion process in mind. Seniors were eager to learn new things, but for some of them the computer is still an insurmountable barrier.