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The project is implemented in cooperation with the local governments of the City of Konin and the Agder County Council in Norway. Its aim is to increase the active participation of young people in shaping local climate policies. As part of the project, we will appoint Youth Ambassadors of Climate (Młodzi Ambasadorzy Klimatu – MAK), who will initiate new solutions for the climate in cooperation with city authorities and local communities. The project is addressed to: young people aged 13-25, activists, representatives of local authorities, NGOs, and residents. We will organise two assemblies of student councils, conduct the Forum Theatre, implement an Internet platform for dialogue and cooperation. We will also develop the ‘Local policy of cooperation and engagement of residents in dialogue, discussion, planning and implementation of climate actions in the city’, and carry out two social campaigns. The local authorities of Konin and Agder will cooperate with the Young Ambassadors of Climate on the implementation of postulates submitted by young people. The experiences and results of the project will be promoted at the Youth International Climate Meeting, which will be held online. Through the implementation of this project, we will undertake the challenge of engaging young people in cooperation with local authorities for the climate protection in a situation of conflict and a lack of sense of agency among youth. The experience of the Norwegian partner (Agder County Council) in building a democratic culture and engaging an underrepresented group of young people will be helpful in this.
Summary of project results
Konin is the center of the mining and energy sector from the 1970s. The exploitation of lignite has devastated the natural environment, destroying biodiversity, degrading soil and polluting it, deepening the negative effects of climate change. The local government authorities have developed a development strategy, assuming the transformation of the city into a renewable energy center. However, most residents, although aware of climate change, do not take action. Young initiators, including a member of the Climate Strike, tried to introduce a state of climate alarm, but most councilors rejected the idea.
Young people expressed frustration that their voices were not taken into account by the authorities. Research shows that Konin is poorly assessed by young people as a place to live. Involving residents in social dialogue began in 2019, but the project aimed to strengthen these activities, especially when it comes to youth involvement.
The Young Climate Ambassadors project was to focus on making young people aware that their voice matters and that they are the future of the city. The project also aimed to make residents and local authorities aware of the urgency of action in the face of climate change. It assumed increasing the involvement of young people and increasing their influence on climate policy by creating a space for dialogue where all parties will listen, respect and cooperate in the spirit of democracy
As part of the project, a group of Young Climate Ambassadors (MAK) was created both in Konin and Agder, Norway, bringing together approximately 20 participants each. These Climate Ambassadors were tasked with initiating and implementing acceptable climate solutions through activities in and with the local community and cooperation with local authorities. Their initiatives and demands were promoted during the Youth International Climate Meeting online, which ended the project. Democratic mechanisms were also introduced, including two student council assemblies, the Forum Theater with an exhibition of artistic works, Long Table debates and the World Cafe, and an online platform for dialogue and cooperation was created. In addition, 12 climate interventions were carried out in Konin schools, which implemented the demands of young people. A civic-climate survey was conducted, the sense of agency, knowledge about democratic tools and mechanisms were conducted, as well as consultations with young people on forms of participation and climate interventions. A Policy for Dialogue and Civic Participation was developed and handed over to the local government of the city of Konin for implementation at the end of the project. Additionally, three social campaigns were carried out, supporting community involvement in climate issues. The campaign included, among others: climate debates with live broadcast, performance on the streets of Konin, climate runs and walks. A youth meeting place was rented and equipped, where MAK and other youth groups hold meetings.
Over 5,000 people participated in the project directly and indirectly. people, residents of Konin and, above all, young people from Konin primary and secondary schools, thus increasing the possibilities of active participation in co-decision-making, dialogue and cooperation.
We managed to establish and effectively implement cooperation with the authorities of the city of Konin. Teachers, local activists operating in the area related to the project, non-governmental organizations from Konin and local entrepreneurs also participated in the events organized. Cooperation was established with the Ombudsman and UNICEF Poland.
The sense of agency of direct recipients of activities, especially young people, increased as well as the knowledge and experience in the field of climate and tools and procedures for democratic decision-making among young people, communities and local government by over 40%.
Additionally, an organization development plan, fundraising strategy, communication strategy, organizational structure, work procedures and implementation plan were developed, thanks to which the quality of the association''s management improved and the team acquired new skills.
The opening of the new headquarters allowed the association to expand its forms and methods of operation.
Summary of bilateral results
As part of the cooperation, visits to Norway and Poland were carried out for groups of young people sharing experiences.