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The grant will contribute in the implementation of the strategic plan (SP) of SMAN and will improve services related to its operation. The improvement of management processes, the scientific monitoring, and the empowerment of human resources aim to support the mission of the organization for the protection of children and young people in danger. The grant will contribute to SMANs organizational development by suggesting activities with measurable outcome: the beneficiaries will be increased as well as the quality of the services provided, raising a positive impact on the target group of unaccompanied minors (uams). By strengthening the management team, administrative, transparency and fundraising procedures will be improved and the scientific role of SMAN will be upgraded. New funding resources, and the maintenance of the organization’s real estate property will enable financial sustainability. A very important pillar of the SP is investing in the personal development of humans of SMAN (employees, volunteers, beneficiaries); "We care for the employees, they care for the children (uams) and children learn how to care for their fellow human beings in the future." SMAN''s specialization in the care of uams, and more specifically in the institution of uams’ “fostering” in the long run aims to strengthen the competitiveness of the organization. SMAN''s strategic plan supports the advocacy role of civil society by participating in networks of organizations who share common values, and share good practices. In addition, it contributes to the protection of human rights by empowering the vulnerable group of uams, aiming at their social empowerment in civil society.
Summary of project results
The grant contributed to the achievement of the multi-year strategic plan of SMAN, enhancing services related to its operation. The support for processes concerning management, scientific monitoring, and the empowerment of human resources aimed to strengthen the achievement of its mission, which is the care of children and youth in emergencies. The grant contributed to the organization''s development through actions with measurable results: the number of beneficiaries, the quantity and quality of services provided, and the impact on unaccompanied minors (UMs), the target group, would increase. With the reinforcement of the administrative team, the goal was to improve management processes, transparency, resource mobilization, and strengthen SMAN’s scientific role.
The Organisational Grants focused on supporting the strategic development and capacity building of civil society organizations (CSOs) rather than requiring traditional activities, deliverables, or outputs. The call emphasised the internal growth and sustainability of CSOs by investing in their core operational functions, leadership, and long-term vision.
A.1 Securing financial resources for the operation of the shelters (maintenance of existing facilities)
A funding gap arose for the HOUSE2 shelter, creating a risk of closure. Therefore, part of the current grant was used to prevent the shelter''s closure.
B.1 Group supervision for employees
The goal of finding a partner to undertake supervision was achieved, and regular supervision is provided to all employees once a month. Additionally, the SMAN attended the seminar organised by SOS Children’s Villages and the Ministry of Migration & Asylum on mental health: “Mental Health Hub.” Some results and conclusions from this project, directly related to supporting and addressing employees'' mental health, were discussed in detail during the supervision sessions.
B.2 Weekly coaching sessions for coordinators in the shelters
With the strengthening of the management team, the goal was achieved, and there is now a regular weekly meeting between the coordinator and the administrative manager of each shelter.
B.3 Participation in specialized seminars (first aid, job search skills, etc.)
With the reinforcement of the management team, a training program for staff was developed, incorporating best practices already in place and aiming to further support SMAN''s personnel. The training program includes specialized seminars, training sessions, and a shadowing program. It is an essential part of the strategic plan and is being monitored and updated regularly.
C.1 Organization of creative and educational workshops by volunteers, trainees, and employees (e.g., language lessons, music, theater games, etc.)
Each resident has an individual activity schedule, which includes school attendance and extracurricular activities tailored to each child''s interests. To ensure the children have a well-rounded schedule, SMAN organizes various workshops within the shelters. There are also efforts to organize visits to museums, planetariums, parks, etc. During the reporting period, emphasis was placed on annual extracurricular activities, while in the upcoming period, efforts will focus on organizing individual visits and special partnerships. It is crucial for the management team to support the child protection team in administrative matters, such as organizing practical issues like offers, tickets, finding donations, etc., so that the child protection team can have the necessary meaningful time with the children.