Gender Equality on the Front Page

Project facts

Project promoter:
Hellenic League for Human Rights(GR)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Liquid Media(GR)


Despite the significant changes that have taken place in terms of legislative interventions, gender equality in Greece has not been substantially ensured. Linguistic sexism is a very common form of sexism and is the gender discrimination that is reflected in the language which has recently taken on another dimension due to the ever-increasing popularity of social networks and the ease with which people can express themselves. On a public discourse level, sexist stereotypes are found daily in the Greek media.

The aim of the project is to raise public awareness and change the mentality of the general public, in this case the average male audience aged 18-55, as well as to train journalists, citizen journalists and journalism students in order to minimize and in the long run eliminate the use of sexist language as well as the representation of gender stereotypes as expressed through the majority of modern media. The ultimate goal is to promote gender equality and eliminate gender discrimination and gender-based violence, articulating an inclusive discourse in the light of guaranteeing fundamental human rights and promoting social cohesion and sustainable development.

The project includes the following activities:

1. Informative project launch event
2. Recording of good practices from other countries regarding the non-use of sexist speech by the media and submission to the competent bodies
3. Drafting of a code of ethics for journalists and submission to the competent bodies
4. Training seminars for journalists, citizen journalists, journalism students
5. Raising awareness campaign through regular articles, podcasts and a mini docu series
6. Final Project Results Diffusion Event.

The partnership of the oldest human rights association in Greece (ELEDA) with one of the largest online media groups in Greece (Liquid Media) ensures the successful implementation of the project.

Summary of project results

The project "Gender Equality on the Front Page" was implemented by the Hellenic League for Human Rights in collaboration with Liquid Media from February 2022 to January 2023. The aim of the project was to raise public awareness and change the mentality of the general public, in this case, the average male audience, 18-55 years old, as well as the training of journalists, citizen journalists and journalism students, in order to minimize and, in the long term, eliminate the use of sexist speech and the representation of gender stereotypes in public discourse as expressed through the majority of modern media. The ultimate goal was to promote gender equality and combat gender discrimination and gender-based violence, articulating an inclusive discourse, in the light of both ensuring fundamental human rights, and social cohesion and sustainable development.

On this basis, five (5) two-day training seminars on inclusive storytelling and non-use of sexist speech were implemented within the framework of the project, with the participation of 82 journalists, bloggers and journalism students. In addition, a code of conduct and a  good practices guide have been developed to eradicate sexism in journalistic discourse. At the same time, a long-term digital awareness campaign was implemented in collaboration with the sports website Gazzetta with the production of 25 articles, 10 podcasts and 4 mini documentaries which reached more than 280,000 people. Finally, within the framework of the project, two public events were implemented, the first for the beginning of the project and the second for the elimination of sexism in journalistic discourse, at the end of the project, where its results were presented.

Women and LGBTI people are the target groups that, almost exclusively, face the consequences of gender stereotypes and sexism both in general and in the context of public and journalistic discourse. Since the project implemented actions to intervene in the way public discourse and journalism is conducted with regard to the voluntary or involuntary reproduction of gender stereotypes and sexist discourse, women and LGBTI people were the groups that benefited most from the project. 
In addition, journalists who either participated in the project''s training activities or gained knowledge/information from the respective project deliverables (code of conduct , guide of good practices for the elimination of sexism in journalistic discourse) benefited in a direct way.
Finally, the project directly benefited the general public, especially the male audience, 18-55 years old, which was the target group of the awareness-raising campaign carried out in cooperation with the sports website Gazzetta.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.