Using the Icelandic Police’s paradigm to build a Greek multi-Agency substantial partnership, in order to strengthen the support and protection of women and children victims of domestic violence, in line with the standards of the Istanbul Convention

Project facts

Project promoter:
European Anti-violence Network (EAVN)(GR)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
National Police Commissioner of Iceland(IS)
Other Project Partners
The Smile of the Child(GR)


The daily practice of supporting women survivors of domestic violence (DV) & their children in Greece, presents lack of coordination & networking of competent bodies, lack of a common protocol for handling the incidents, deficiencies in professionals’ training etc. For combating DV many systems are involved, which act sequentially, without interconnection & activated only after survivors’ specific actions. This systems’ chain activation negatively affects the response time & quality of the protection/support survivors receive; also leads to great under-reporting of DV because survivors are reluctant to resort to Authorities; but even when they do resort, protection is not guaranteed because if the process fails at a critical or early point of the chain, the entire protection scheme collapses.

The project’s objective is to build a multi-agency substantial partnership between police, justice & support services with the aim to strengthen the support & protection of women & children suffering DV in Greece, in accordance with the standards of the Istanbul Convention & through building on good practices, tools, experience & know-how of the Icelandic Police & other competent authorities & NGOs of Iceland.


  1. Identify factors that impede effective support & protection of DV survivors in Greece
  2. Establishment of an interdisciplinary/intersectoral Greek DV Task Force with representatives of police, justice & support services
  3. Exchange good practices between Iceland & Greece
  4. Development, pilot testing & evaluation of standard operating procedures (SOPs) in the involved agencies
  5. Capacity building of professionals
  6. Advocacy

Beneficiaries are the women survivors of DV & their children & target groups are the organizations & staff of police, justice & support services.

Coordinator is EAVN, the Icelandic Police is expert partner, The Smile of the Child is expert partner in child protection; competent authorities participate as stakeholders & also external experts.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.