Social Integration of the Senegalese

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association des Senegalais d''Athènes(GR)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:

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The implementation of the project is necessary because it is called upon to address the problem of the Senegalese exclusion both from the labor market and from their social obligations as residents in Greece.

The purpose of the project is to familiarize the members of the Senegalese Association with the use of computers and to make them autonomous with regards to legal and bureaucratic issues such as resident permits, asylum applications, etc.

In order to face the challenges that the organization has identified, computer learning courses will be organized, so that the beneficiaries can be adapted to the modern technologies and can be manage the demands of modern day life, as well as legal counseling activities, in order to increase the knowledge of the beneficiaries on the management of bureaucratic issues. Beneficiaries of this project will mostly be the second generation and the women of the Association, without of course excluding first generation men.

The role of the organization that is going to implement the project will be to communicate with the members of the Association about the project and its purpose, provide the venue for the actions and ensure the sustainability of the project. As for their part, the tutor involved in computer literacy actions will be called upon to undertake all relevant actions through their methodology and knowledge.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.