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The social stigma and exclusion experienced by sex workers remains uncharted in Greece. The experience of the association in the field coincides with the international literature on the subject, showing the multidimensional nature of this exclusion, since the connection with the various minority identities of the persons involved in sex work (trans people, refugees, Roma, intravenous drug users, unaccompanied minors, homeless, etc.) acts as a multiplier, thus making sex workers one of the most marginalized social groups.
In particular, sex workers experience systematic rights’ violations (police, clients, third parties), are more vulnerable to violence, experience work exclusion, are ignorant of their rights, are unable to access legal services, are unable to access social services because of the stigmatizing treatment they receive by the staff of the organizations who lack relevant training, have no representation and visibility in the public sphere, have no access to targeted sexual health information services.
The goal of "Red Umbrella Athens" Day Center (RUA) is to help eliminate the social exclusion of sex workers and contribute to their full social integration as equal citizens. To achieve this, RUA aims to empower sex workers by providing primary care services, HIV/STI prevention services, empowerment, rights literacy, and equal access to health services. Its direct purpose is increasing their ability to assert their rights in everyday life, promoting their claims to institutional bodies, creating community ambassadors and achieving the gradual assumption of the center''s administration and operation by the target group itself.
Summary of project results
The social stigma and exclusion experienced by sex workers remains uncharted in Greece. The experience of the association in the field coincides with the international literature on the subject, showing the multidimensional nature of this exclusion, since the connection with the various minority identities of the persons involved in sex work (trans people, refugees, Roma, intravenous drug users, unaccompanied minors, homeless, etc.) acts as a multiplier thus making sex workers one of the most marginalized social groups.
In particular, sex workers, experience systematic rights’ violations (police, clients, third parties),are more vulnerable to violence, experience work exclusion, are ignorant of their rights, are unable to access legal services, are unable to access social services because of the stigmatizing treatment they receive by the staff of the organizations who lack relevant training, have no representation and visibility in the public sphere and have no access to targeted sexual health information services.
"Red Umbrella Athens" Day Center (RUA) goal is to help eliminate the social exclusion of sex workers and contribute to their full social integration as equal citizens.
To achieve this, RUA aims to empower sex workers by providing:
• Primary care services
• HIV/STI prevention services
• Empowerment
• Rights literacy
• Promoting equal access to health services with the direct purpose of:
• Increasing their ability to assert their rights in everyday life
• Promote their claims to institutional bodies.
• Creating community ambassadors
• Gradual assumption of the center''s administration and operation by the target group itself
During the two years of implementation of the project "Dana - Empowering sex workers", two Centres operated in Athens and Thessaloniki, where the following services were offered: Empowerment, the first point of contact with the team, a safe place where the beneficiaries could discuss with peers about anything that concerns them, as well as engage creatively. Social Support: The Social worker provided services seamlessly, responding to the needs at hand, taking social histories, assessing requests, making concordances and referrals. Psychological Support: The psychologist provided psychological support sessions to the beneficiaries, either in person or via zoom. Legal Support: The lawyer conducted legal counselling sessions. Employment integration - cooperation with ''Odyssea'': All persons who expressed a request were referred to training programmes or to find another job. HIV prevention: HIV, Hepatitis and Syphilis tests were carried out.
In terms of outcomes, a link was made with the NHS (512 unique beneficiaries used the above services). In addition, through Streetwork, vulnerable groups were approached in the area where they are located (brothels, street markets, etc.) in order to inform them about sexual health and rights issues, the services provided in the centres and the provision of condoms and information leaflets (47.524 people were approached). Research activity: Completed and published research on "Prevalence of non-consensual condom removal (stealthing) among female sex workers and its correlation with perceived discrimination in Athens, Greece". Training seminars for professionals/service providers: A total of four three-day online seminars were held, covering the definition and forms of sex work, stigma and discrimination, legal framework, intersectionality, good practices, etc. (241 professionals attended the seminars). Training seminars for sex workers: aimed at informing them about sexual health issues, how to access health services, legal framework and rights. Training seminars for students of the Department of Psychology of the University of Athens and the University of Crete: The seminar "Sex Work: community approach" covered the legal framework, needs, challenges and intersectionality in sex work, international guidelines and good practices of psychosocial approach. It was attended by 136 people. Trainings - Meetings with institutions: 10 meetings were held with civil society institutions to inform them about the need to change the legislative framework on sex work. We successfully carried out Legal Gender Identity Recognition for 4 persons. Legal representation of beneficiaries: we proceeded with the legal representation of sex workers who cannot afford it. Red Umbrella Mobile Services operated in Thessaloniki and attracted a total of 35 unique beneficiaries, providing all our services to brothels. Due also to the difficulty of access for sex workers in the periphery, our team travelled to Patras, Komotini, Xanthi and Chania for outreach, where we reached a total of 100 unique beneficiaries. Training Manual: A guide to good practices in the provision of services to sex workers was published. Creation of a website: A website has been created for sex workers to share information related to their sexual health, safety and well-being. It is called "Safe" and can be viewed here: