Wise Greece Academy

Project facts

Project promoter:
Wise Greece(GR)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
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The project promoter "Wise Greece" having recognized the high percentage of unemployment in Greece and at the same time being active in an open field of labour market  for new employees creates the first Academy for Agri-Food Education and Food Innovation. The Academy provides free education and training to vulnerable groups and provide them with all the skills they need to work in the Agri-Food sector or to innovate by creating their own product lines. Specifically, Wise Greece Academy addresses to unemployed women who live in Athens and  rural areas in Greece, as well as the women participating in Women''s Cooperatives and, also, to unemployed young people and unemployed people over 50 who face extreme difficulties to find a job. 

The trainings include:-basic education about the Agri-Food sector, cooking courses, field visits and hands on workshops in food production labs. Also, empowerment seminars and seminars about the modern methods of cultivation (permaculture, organic, linked to Sustainable Development Goals etc). The trainees will have the opportunity to be connected with producers and mentors, who will act as role models and will provide inspiration to them. Those who wish to pursue an entrepreneurial career in the Agri-Food Sector, will be able to attend more specialized seminars, such as: -product and business plan development, product tastings, sales and exports, seminars for Food Production Certifications, Marketing, Risk Management in the Food Industry and Food innovation , new product lines as well as innovation in food packaging. By the end of the project implementation 1.200 vulnerable individuals are expected to be trained with aim their economic empowerment.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.