Job for all

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association of parents, guardians and friends of people with autism in Rethymno(GR)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Faculty of Health Science
OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University(NO)

More information


The vast majority of people with intellectual disabilities are excluded from the labor market. This is mainly due to: Negative attitudes of employers. Lack of skills of PWID, Lack of information on employment opportunities. Lack of suitable workplace adjustments. Studies have shown that the tourism industry is an excellent environment in which PWID can prove their potential, as the technical requirements of the industry often include standardized and repetitive tasks. Despite the fact that tourism is an important sector of the Greek economy, the amount of PWID working on it is extremely low. This specific project aims to address the above challenges and to contribute substantially to the social inclusion of PWID by facilitating their access to work through the following actions: • Demand and work capacity studies. Transfer of know-how from Norwegian partners in the field of integration  Training and certification of PWID in the provision of hotel services by a Certified Educational Center in collaboration with a multidisciplinary team of professionals. Create a training manual specially configured for PWID. Practice in hotels - catering. Establishment of a Social Enterprise aiming to play a mediating role among graduates of the education and labor market program by applying the model of supported work. Actions to disseminate the results of the project and to raise community awareness on the issues of labor inclusion of the PWID. The project promoter will select the people to be trained by analyzing the needs and skills of its supporters and create a multidisciplinary team that will: Take on a training for trainers on special education issues and contribute to the whole educational process. Contribute to the creation of a Social Enterprise for the employment of PWID. Create the dissemination plan.

Summary of project results

Under the WORK FOR ALL project, 9 adults with disabilities were trained and certified through a well qualified, adjusted educational curriculum of IEK GRANT partner. The students were trained in the fields of Buffet, Serving, Cooking, and Baking, so they received an ACTA TECHNOVLASTOS certification as assistant cooks. The project promoter created the association''s website for the ACTIVE CITIZENS FUND program and a training manual specially designed with the EASY TO READ method. The educational material was transformed into easy to read, a type of certified accessible material in order to be a material for the integration of people with mental disabilities. Also, the project promoter created the Social Cooperative Enterprise KYPSELI, in order to help the the graduates of the training program and the labor market, applying the model of supported work and actions for the implementation of employment The project partner OSLO MET, University in Norway conducted a  two-day online seminar on the transfer of good work integration practices. Within the framework of Capacity Building a fruitful training took place with  executives - staff - Board of the Association and the subcontractor PUZZLE through webinars with a variety of topics useful and essential for the organization. Last but not least open public awareness actions to the community took place.


Summary of bilateral results

The project promoter had a good cooperation with the Norwegian project partner. Project partner conducted a  two-day online seminar on the transfer of good work integration practices.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.