Introduction of municipal schemes for separate collection and recycling of waste on the territory of Smolyan Municipality and Banite Municipality

Project facts

Project promoter:
Smolyan Municipality(BG)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Kristiansand Municipality(NO)
Other Project Partners
Banite Municipality(BG)


The project will look into Norwegian good practices and knowledge in order to introduce adapted models to two Bulgarian municipalities – Smolyan and Banite, which will contribute to promote the new forms of waste collection and to communicate the benefits of recycling. With the purpose of improving their waste management systems, the two communities will initiate five main schemes in total - a system for separate collection, recycling of construction waste and for separate collection of discarded tires; one for paper, cardboard and glass; and a scheme for reuse of biodegradable household waste.

The first scheme will be for separate collection and utilization of discarded tires waste which includes the delivery of containers and installation of a video surveillance system at the points where the containers will be placed. To engage with the public, the project envisages the preparation of an interactive map with the location of the separate waste collection bins for discarded tires. Additionally, information flyers on the benefits of separate collection and recycling of discarded tires will be distributed along with photo material to promote the event.

Next one is the scheme for separate collection and recycling of construction waste. For its purposes, an interactive map will be developed with the location of the separate waste collection bins. To promote the scheme further, information brochures on the path of construction waste and the benefits of recycling construction waste and reusing it in construction will be distributed to the public.

Moreover, four information campaigns will be conducted also to promote the schemes for separate collection of biodegradable waste. Information materials will be developed in form of flyers, presentation, manuals for home composting and the schemes will be popularized among the population of the two municipalities through demonstration activities.

More information about the project is available here:

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