Development and implementation of innovative model for reduction of the amount of plastic waste in the marine environment from land-based sources.

Project facts

Project promoter:
Beloslav Municipality(BG)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
International Development Norway AS(NO)
Other Project Partners


Development and implementation of innovative model for reduction of plastic waste from land-based sources was a pilot project run by Beloslav Municipality in partnership with Green Industry Innovations and International Development Norway.

The purpose of the project was to establish an alternative system for recycling of plastic waste based on the Precious Plastic principle. This initiative was part of indicators which set the necessity for public awareness. The outcome of its implementation was not only successfully building and providing a properly functioning local system for separate waste collection and recycling, but also to bring the local authorities, the citizens, the NGOs, the business and the students around that idea. The result of this was demonstrated by the TV and Internet campaign presence and publications about the project and the students’ participation at the World Recycling Day, the clean-up campaign for the Beloslav and Varna lakes and the participation at the closing event dedicated to the Black sea.

Along the separate waste collection system solely for plastic, a mobile station for recycling of the collected litter was created. A dedicated municipal centre coordinated the process, which relied extensively on the citizens’ active participation. Trainings and further information were available in order to help the project to achieve its outcomes: less plastic waste in the sea and gained Norwegian experience.

The project also contributed to the increased number of professional staff that has been trained as part of the educational campaigns. Another initiative in that direction was the workshops for young designers and the workshop “How to build our own machine” and those related to the grounds of the marketing and sales, the bases of the plastic and how to collect separately the waste.



Summary of project results

Plastic waste is a worldwide problem, polluting the environment, and most of it ends up in the ocean via waterways. The greatest challenge the project faced was to find a solution about reducing the marine pollution which affects out lives by increasing the awareness among the population anbout the problem. 


To solve the marine pollution problem, the municipality of Beloslav, in partnership with Ecoinvest Assetsq, Green industry Innovations and Technology Transfer Foundation and and the Norwegian consulting company International Development Norway contributed to the implementation of good practices from Norway, developed and implemented a pilot model for reducing the amount of plastic waste in the marine water. A part of the project activities were also the two-day training "Grounds of plastic" which presented the history, the application, characteristics and recycling possibilities of plastic materials in order to introduce more widely the topic about curcular economy as well as the awareness campaigns for prevention of marine pollution by plastic waste. In relation to that, an one-day workshop for young designers was organised as well. Its target were children and teenagers to engage in different recycling projects. 

Not only that but the projevt also implemented good practices from Norway aand using combination of people, machines, platform and knowledge to create an alternative system for recycling and recovery of plastic waste based on small local initiatives multiplying globally in the Precious Plastic system. The results were achived with development of an innovative local plastic recycling system in Beloslav municipality as part of the global Precious plastic system, which includes a municipal center, a separate collection system for plastic waste, coordinated by the municipal center and implemented by local population and business and a mobile workshop forrecycling plastic waste in material or reusable items. the projevt provided awareness campaigns for prevention of marine pollution by plastic waste, educational campaign for the Circular Economy. 


The project managed to develope an innovative local plastic recycling system in Beloslav municipality as part of the global Precious plastic system. The project also organised awareness campaigns for prevention of marine pollution by plastic waste as well as led an educational campaign for the circular economy. The implementation of the project will reduce the amount of plastic waste in marine waters and will gain experience, knowledge and good practice from Norway.

Summary of bilateral results

The implementation of the project will reduce the amount of plastic waste in marine waters and will share experience, knowledge and good practice from Norway. Additionally, the awareness and educational campaigns introduced widely the topic about the circular economy.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.