The non-governmental sector in Svishtov - to help the ousted from the war

Project facts

Project promoter:
National Association for Forecasting and Planning(BG)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


With the project, we aim to improve the capacity and sustainability of the non-governmental sector in the municipality of Svishtov for working with migrants and public support for refugees. A major problem facing civil organizations at the local level is their insufficient capacity to solve problems, incl. those related to refugees. NGO quickly identify problems, formulate significant causes, but do not always manage to ground them and bring to successful end due to lack of experience and funds. 130 refugees are accommodated in the municipality of Svishtov. They need support and guidance at the local level, and acceptance. Fake news is creating poles in the society about the crisis in Ukraine. Open dialogue is lacking, as well as the knowledge and experience needed for NGOs to play their public role.

Through the project, we will train 15 NGOs. Thus, we will build their capacity to manage communications and counter disinformation, fundraising, incl. and crowdsourcing, organizing and running an advocacy campaign in support of refugees. The refugees from Ukraine, numbering 130 people, mostly women and children, will receive support from the NGO sector and the general public will raise awareness of fake news and disinformation flows related to the crisis in Ukraine. Refugees will have a platform to share their stories with representatives of the NGO sector and institutions within the framework of the organized living library under the title "Escape from War". To ensure faster adaptation, we will prepare an information handbook for refugees. It, as well as all project activities and achieved results, will be promoted through a wide range of communication channels. The goal is to reach a maximum target audience that focuses on opportunities to support and overcome the problems of people fleeing military conflict.

Summary of project results

 In response to this need, the project aimed to improve the capacity and sustainability of the NGO sector in the municipality of Svishtov to work with refugees and provide public support.

The implementation of the project improved the capacity of the third sector in the municipality of Svishtov and created an attitude for more proactive action in addressing societal challenges, including those such as refugee crises.Тhe following significant results were achieved with thee project:

  • Developed educational materials and conducted trainings in the following 3 topics: 1) Communications management and countering disinformation; 2) Fundraising, including crowd sourcing; 3) Organizing and conducting an advocacy campaign in support of refugees.
  • Trained 31 representatives of 15 non-governmental organizations.
  • Organized Living Library "Escape from the War" where authentic refugee stories were shared.
  • Created a bilingual Handbook to support Ukrainian refugees in Svishtov with practical information on full residence within the municipality.

The increased capacity of representatives of 15 NGOs from the municipality of Svishtov is a request for a more active civil society in solving public problems affecting the local community. The achieved results are also a guarantee for the search for sustainability, as the high interest and commitment to the project initiatives shows that the motivation for work is high and the efforts should be linked to the creation of skills and competences of CSOs for their more effective functioning.

The developed training materials on communication management and counteracting misinformation; fundraising, including crowdsourcing; organizing and conducting an advocacy campaign in support of refugees are available in the public internet space, thus enabling the multiplication of results. At the same time, refugees are supported through the live library conducted, as well as through information material in the form of a bilingual handbook in support of Ukrainian refugees who currently reside in the municipality of Svishtov or those who would be heading to the municipality.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.